My Liquid diet 6’2 375lbs

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Hey there I’m starting a liquid diet and I know lots of people will say it’s not a good idea but I don’t listen and number one reason is because it’s working for me. I’m trying to lose weight to go back in a labour type job and as soon as I’m at the desired weight I will go off the diet and keep it off with the labour intensive job along with eating paleo like I was before. Nothing has worked since I got diagnosed with bipolar disorder and I’m on three different medications that make me gain weight I even ate paleo and went to the gym 5 days a week and built muscle but still 375lbs . Btw 265lbs bench 450lbs deadlift and 315lbs squat not bad considering I only started working out and did it for about a year and a half. Anyway I have a home gym now and I’m focusing on doing a couple full body workouts nothing to intense and hitting my punch bag a half hour every other day and doing this diet which I’m getting to now. I’m drinking chicken soup broth the less than sodium kind Campbell’s along with sugar free jello and some regular jello I also drink coffee with cream and Splenda along with nutrition shakes the Kirkland vanilla kind from Costco I keep track in my head to keep my calories between 1800 and 2300 a day but you guys don’t really need to count just don’t go crazy and think you can drink them all day long cuz it won’t work then. What I’ve mentioned here is not a lot of nutrition at all it’s something grandma would eat over a weekend :p. My vitamins calcium magnesium omega 3 fish oil vitamin B multivitamins and the best of all water drink water the foods/drinks above make you feel full and you really not getting your calories even if it says 500 calories you could eat 500calories in steak and be full when you drink 500 calories in soup your body does not hold onto it at all. I’m gonna do some pics and update. This is a diet I’m doing for about 6 months in the 3rd month I will take a week off and restart it again. Also take your multivitamin everyday but alternate the other vitamins don’t take all vitamins everyday take one of each a day it will be hard to digest and may upset your stomach and do not drink you will end up on the floor on this diet
Start off my initial weight was 379lbs not 375lbs. I weighed myself yesterday which was day 6 and I weighed 367lbs so I lost 12lbs don’t know if that’s water weight or what but it’s going good I don’t feel hungry at all also my medication works better probably lack of food but hey I haven’t slept better in years. Btw I’ve had extreme problems sleeping my whole life not sleeping but falling asleep. I noticed too I used to feel bloated a lot and have gas and heartburn and it’s virtually gone I only get a bit of heartburn when I drink coffee. Sugar free jello and chicken broth yep still doing it. Also keep in mind an xl coffee with 3 cream and 3 Splenda is 80 cals at mcd and 90 at timmys. I’m going to weigh in on May 9th and give a progress. And I swear if I stick with this and lose the 100 pounds I’m going to make a book and sell it :p. Will power and Jello
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