So here is my story. I play cricket over the weekend and cricket involves running. As soon as I start running my legs start to hurt from my knee down and just before my foot just that area. Pain goes away by Tuesday but comes Saturday after running for few minutes it start to hurt again at the same spot for both legs. I'm 25 years old and I weigh 157. I've been playing cricket all my life but this is first time it started happening this early. I used to be able to play for at least 2-3 hours before it would start hurting. But now after 10-15 minutes i'm in pain like there's no tomorrow once I rest for few minutes it goes away but as I start walking or running it comes back again. So at the end of the day I just put some Icy Hot gel on both legs and wrap them and it works til Saturday. I don't really stretch, maybe just for a few minutes but again I never used to stretch before. Any ideas? Please help..