My Kryptonite

So I just got back from the supermarket and guess what I seen, EGG NOG! I had to buy a jug, damn I love this stuff. No matter how I try I cannot resist drinking it by the gallon. Good thing Im bulking.:D
That stuff rocks..especially with some cinnamon/sugar on top.
Store bought egg nog is ok, but homemade - mmmmmmm

My uncle makes it for Chrismas, it is so rich and sweet and thick with a fluffy foamy top with some nutmeg and whiskey.

No Russ, it doesn't taste like pancake batter.;) more like heavy cream with vanilla, sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg and liquor.
I agree, egg nog is my holiday crack. Thank God for preservatives though, it usually takes me a month just to drink a half gallon...
hey! english people love egg nog, my dAD makes it and when its made with a certain type of lemonade (thats soda to all you yanks) its da bomb, yo russ you cant miss out on this stuff buy warnicks advocaat if you cant make it.


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I was at the state store in here (in PA) and noticed they had the Pennsylvania Dutch egg nog out for sale now... go Amish!
hey! english people love egg nog, my dAD makes it and when its made with a certain type of lemonade (thats soda to all you yanks) its da bomb, yo russ you cant miss out on this stuff buy warnicks advocaat if you cant make it.

I've tried that before, didn't rate it to highly

Frijj double choc milkshake on the otherhand .. . . oh god i'm drolling on the key bord