My Journey to Fitness

Okay, been reading a lot of the other journals in this segment, and have found them to be very inspiring. Most of you guys are so far above and beyond what I am even interested in it's crazy. But I commend you all for setting, and then setting about reaching those goals. Bravo!!

This is my attempt at a journal of my own. A little background to start off. A year ago I weighed 215 pounds. I started my weight loss plan very casually, and without even thinking about it. I started by simply cutting out my morning bag of Peanut M&Ms. This gradually morphed into also cutting out my afternoon snack, and changing the snack that I got on my way home from work. The result, between January of last year, and June, I worked my way down to 190 pounds. This is when I finally got serious. I cut my calories down to around 1600, drastically changing my diet, ridding it of junk food, cutting fats, increasing my intake of fruits and vegetables. I also added a walking routine. In the beginning, I walked for no more than 30 minutes, every other day. This gradually increased in both time and intensity.

This resulted in my reaching my current weight of 135 pounds by the middle of October. In the last couple of months, I have added body weight exercises to my routine. In the next week or so I will be back at work, (laid off since Nov.) and will be joining a local gym to add weight training to my routine. At this point I have upped my calorie intake to around 2100 per day, which seems to keep my weight steady.

My current exercise routine is as follows:

Push ups 10 sets of 20
Crunches (or Ab Scissors) 10 sets of 20
Lunges (Holding no weights) 5 sets of 20
Abdominal Side Planks 10 sets of 10
DB Curls (10lb is all I got) 8 sets of 25
DB shoulder Presses 8 sets of 25
DB Tricep Extensions 8 sets of 10
DB Squats 8 sets of 20
Chair Crunches 5 sets of 5

I do this routine every other day. My cardio pretty much consists of walking. A minimum of 5 miles per day, up to a maximum of 14.5 miles. Recently have started a program during my walks, every other day, of adding some running during my walks. Basically I start off walking, then start running, basically until I can run no more, then slow back down to a walk, repeating the process as my breathing returns to normal. A runner I am not, but I can tell by the way my legs feel when I'm done that it definitely adds to my workouts.

Have noticed something curious lately that I would welcome input on. For the past few months, I have consumed about 2100 cals a day, weighted a little heavily toward fats. Good fats, mostly from nuts and seeds, but fats to be sure. Average of about 100 grams per day. During this time, my protein intake was around 75 grams per day. For the last couple of weeks, I have switched this up and added protein and cut down on the fat, so that my fat grams are around 65, and my protein is up to around 115 grams per day. But my overall caloric intake has not changed. However, in the past two weeks, since this switch I have noticed my weight creeping up. Slowly to be sure, but I am up about 2 pounds since cutting down on fats, and upping protein and I am wondering why this might be. I suppose I could be adding muscle, but it just seems odd.

As mentioned above, I will begin hitting the gym in the next couple of weeks, which means my whole routine will be changing, but for now I will be sticking to my routine.

Current Weight 133 pounds first thing in the morning.
Miles walked in January 2009 193.5 miles, with two days missed.:confused4:

Will be updating this when I get to the gym, and figure out what my routine will be.
What an accomplishment. A journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step and you sound like you have made some incredible progress, like what you see and are looking in all the right places for the answers of how to go farther. I look forward to hearing your new goals and triumphs. :)

Have noticed something curious lately that I would welcome input on. For the past few months, I have consumed about 2100 cals a day, weighted a little heavily toward fats. Good fats, mostly from nuts and seeds, but fats to be sure. Average of about 100 grams per day. During this time, my protein intake was around 75 grams per day. For the last couple of weeks, I have switched this up and added protein and cut down on the fat, so that my fat grams are around 65, and my protein is up to around 115 grams per day. But my overall caloric intake has not changed. However, in the past two weeks, since this switch I have noticed my weight creeping up. Slowly to be sure, but I am up about 2 pounds since cutting down on fats, and upping protein and I am wondering why this might be. I suppose I could be adding muscle, but it just seems odd.

What does your body look like? Better? Are you defined? Numbers on a scale can do bad things to my head. I weigh 137 pounds but I don't look that weight. I am 14.9% bodyfat. Some foods can cause water retention and so forth and without know what your goals are or what your body looks like I can't say for sure if you are putting on fat or muscle. What about your training intensity? LEss? More? Muscle takes a while to build- not sure if 2 weeks would put on 2 lb.s but I suppose it could for some.

My suggestion is to look hard at your body and assess that. Use a measuring tape. Visualize your success. I chant in my head whenever I feel not up to snuff "shredded and lean!" and picture myself with cut up quads and glutes you could bounce a quarter off. :D It's bound to get there! Good luck.
You can train long, or you can train hard, but you cant do both for long. I would suggest that instead of 10 sets of 20 push ups you do 4 sets of as many as you can do (or close to it). Try to shoot for intensity instead of volume.

How long does this workout take???
Mel Def, it's kind of hard to say if I can see any changes. We are only talking about 2 pounds. I can say that my endurance is coming up. The running portions of my walking routine are getting longer. Just makes me curious because from mid October until two weeks ago, my weight never changed by more than a couple of tenths of a pound either way.

Wesrman, walks are in the order of 1.5 to 2 hours per day. Body weight exercises are in the neighborhood of 1 to 1.5 hours. Like I say, been laid off, so have the time to put into it. I'm sure all this will change when I go back to work.

Today, did body weight workout, and walked 8.5 miles in 1:45. Didn't mix in any running today, as I did that yesterday, and trying to go every other day on that until my body gets a little more used to it. Be glad when the ice is off the mountain, really cutting into my hill work.

Long term goals are to gain strength, and endurance, without gaining too much mass because I am registering for the Breast Cancer 3 day in D.C. in October. 60 miles over three days. So far, my best 3 day total is about 40 miles. 12 miles, 13 miles, 12.5 miles. So, think I should have no problem working up to 60. Just don't want anymore weight to lug around than I have to.

After October, tho, I'll be looking to bulk up some. Don't really know how much, will just kind of see when I get there.:confused4:
Good post above. You are definitely needing less time and more intensity. How about cutting down the walk time and doing some sprint spurts?

I am sure the links above will give ou good guidance. Wesrman seems like he is well versed in what it takes to get where you need to go.
I already know I'm going to have to pare down my workout time when I go back to work, just figured I'd get in all I could while I could. Good links above, thanks for the advice. In the process now of designing my gym workout regimen.

Tried something different tonight, since today was my body weight day. For the first half of the Superbowl, I got down and did 20 pushups during each commercial break. Which, btw, there were 13 of them. And for the second half I did 15 crunches, and 5 side planks per side during commercials. 14 in the second half, just in case I was the only one counting. Not a bad way to fit in a workout, tho too much time between sets. Oh well, at least I didn't gorge on wings this year.:xmas:

Will post my gym workout schedule on here when I get it all worked out, and when I figure out what days I can hit the gym, and how much time I'll have each day.
good luck man! i just started my journal little under a month ago and have gotten great help, especially from wesrman.

keep up the great work!!
Tried something a little different today. Keep the old muscles guessing. Our local park has a fitness trail that is about 1 mile long. Started off walking my usual 4+ mph pace for the first lap/mile. Then switched on the second lap to running part, walking most. Third lap ran/walked about half and half, and ran the entire fourth lap. So, did 4 miles in less than 50 minutes. Do you have any freaking idea when the last time I ran a whole mile at one time was??? Lol.

Went and hit a couple of job interviews, had lunch and decided I wasn't done yet. So, went back to the park and hit the trail again. On this trail there are 10 or 12 different stops with different stations. (sit ups, push ups using a set of bars that range from 1 ft. to about 2 ft. off the ground, there are some stumps for doing step ups, and some others). So, first lap I stopped at 4 of them, second lap 5 of them, and third lap I stopped at six. Will detail which ones, and how many reps below. Definitely added a degree of difficulty, especially after having already done 4 miles earlier.

Station Stops
Jumping Jacks 30, 40, 55
Step ups (using approx. 16" stump) 3, 6, 12
Pushups on lowest bar 10, 20, 35
Not sure what you would call this one, but there are two parallel bars, approx. 4 ft. off the ground, approx. 15 ft. long, and you hand walk from one end to the other.
Did those 1 trip, 1 round trip, 2 round trips with 10 dips added onto the last one.
Log Jump (over logs approx. 8 or 10" high) Once for the length of the station (approx. 12 jumps)
Crunches 1 set of 25

On a side note, whatever was going on with my switch to higher protein, less fat seems to have ended. Down almost half of what I had gained overnight. While still eating the same amount of total cals. Who knows? Guess will see what tomorrow holds.

Plan on doing 30 to 40 minutes on the Wii Fit a little later (I know, but I am finding the yoga on there beneficial, as well as some of the aerobic and strength training).

Tried to go a little over today, because the weather is supposed to be crappy here tomorrow (snow, windy, oh joy!) so not sure how much I'll get in tomorrow.

Have a rough gym workout schedule worked out, but I need to go make sure of the equipment/stations they have before I commit to it.

Hope everyone had a safe, productive, and healthy workout today!!
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Yesterday, 2-03, pared my walk down to 1:30 minutes. 6.5 miles walked. Came home, did my body weight and dumbbell exercises. Changed the sets/reps up a little.

Pushups 5 by 25 + 1 set to failure
Crunches 5 by 35 + 1 set to failure
Lunges (Holding no weights) 5 sets of 20
Abdominal Side Planks 10 sets of 10
DB Curls (10lb is all I got) 5 by 25 + 1 set to failure
DB shoulder Presses 5 by 25 + 1 set to failure
DB Tricep Extensions 5 by 15
DB Squats 5 sets of 20
Chair Crunches 5 sets of 5
Chair Dips 5 sets of 5
Jumping Jacks 5 sets of 30

Logged some time on Wii Fit, mostly yoga, some strength training, and ended with a 20 minute run.

Weight as of this morning (2-04) 131.5 pounds. So pretty much all weight gained by upping protein and dropping fat intake is now gone. Guess my body just needed a bit to adjust to burning different kinds of cals. Who knows?

Average Day Food Intake

1st Breakfast
2 slices wheat bread
2 tbs. peanut butter
2 tbs. jam
1 tbs. flax seeds

2nd Breakfast (2 hours later)
1 cup Fiber One cereal w/ .25 cup walnuts added.
1.25 1% milk
1 cup OJ with calcium and vitamin D

Breakfasts are pretty much the same every day.

1 4oz. can of Tuna
2 cups shredded lettuce or spinach
Dill Pickle
4 oz. lowfat yogart

Dinner (varies widely, so will use last night as example)
2 Salmon cakes
1 cup brown rice
2 cups mixed veggies
1 glass of 1 % milk

Late Snack
Either 1.5 cups popcorn (no butter or salt added)
or 4 oz. of lowfat yogart
or Saltine crackers with PB.

Usually works out to between 2100 and 2300 cals per day. Never add table salt to anything. Add into this mix 4 20 oz. bottles of water or water with vitamin powder added. Typically burn 700-900 cals through exercise.

Can't wait to get into the gym next week!!!!!
Thanks Kitty. BTW my road to hell is paved with pecan pie.:laughing2: Pretty much all of my resolve goes out the window when a plate of that is set down before me. lol.

Today, backed off on the walk a bit. Traded distance and time for intensity. Logged 5.25 miles in 1:05. Then switched up and ran for 20 minutes more. Covered 2.75 miles, for an average running speed of 8 1/2 mph. Legs are kind of telling me now they are walking legs, not running legs. Definitely feeling the after affects of smoking today. Been off them since the fall, but still trying to get the crud out of my system. Be glad when it's gone.

Laying off the body weight exercises today, tho did do some crunches and side planks. But only a couple of sets of 15 each. Not sure what kind of workout I'll be able to fit in tomorrow, got a lot on the old plate. Guess a day off every now and then won't kill me, but in the past one day has always managed to stretch into two, and then three, and I think we all know where this is going. At least hoping to get a short walk, and some body weight exercises in somewhere.

Diet today has been a bit erratic.

1st Breakfast
PB&J w/ 1tbs. of flax seeds
8 oz. Orange Juice

2nd Breakfast
1 cup Fiber One
1.25 cup 1% Milk

Handful of walnuts just cause I got the munchies

PB&J w/ flax seeds

Not sure what's for dinner, have to wait and see.

May go ahead and do a couple of rounds of db curls, shoulder presses, and tricep extensions. Not sure yet. Weird to have as much energy as I seem to have these days. When I smoked, could barely drag myself out of bed, off to work, and back again. And forget exercise.:)
Fell off the wagon a bit today.

Walked for 1:20 minutes. Ran for another 30 minutes. Came back, had lunch, and felt like crap ever since. Not sure why. Same thing I eat pretty much every day for lunch. So probably skipping any other exercising today.

1st Breakfast
PB&J on High Fiber Flax seed bread
1 Tbs. Flax seeds
8 oz. OJ

2nd Breakfast
1 cup Fiber One
1.25 cup 1% Milk
2 Blueberry Muffins

4 oz. Tuna
2 cups raw spinach
2 tbs. fat free dressing

1 apple w/ 2 tbs. peanut butter

4 oz. Chicken (No skin)
Baked potato (Plain)
1 cup
Steamed Broccoli

4 oz. lowfat yogart w/1 tsp. of flax seeds.

Hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day.:violent:
That's not falling off the wagon, that's just making a judgement call cause you felt sick. You're still on the wagon, I can see you from my spot on the back, where I hang on for dear life :)
More meant the amount of cals I had today. 2400 is pretty high for me. Feeling much better now, guess the tuna just didn't agree with me today.:drooling1::drooling1::drooling1::drooling1:

Here's hoping tomorrow everything goes back to normal. Hate to even think about the scale in the morning. Pretty much everything I've had today is healthy, just too much of it. Uggh!!
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Different day, different everything.

Took my son and another Boy Scout on what was going to be a 10 mile hike. Level ground, gravel/dirt path. Not too challenging. Ended up being 14.5 miles over about 5 1/2 hours. Everyone else is sore and laying around complaining about their legs, and I could seriously go for another walk. Hmmm. Maybe I've trained too much.

On the plus side, got warm enough here today that the mountain is finally clear of snow. Finally get to get some good hills in tomorrow. Sweet!!!

Diet has been kind of a mess today, as we only stopped long enough on the hike today to have subs.

PB&J on flax seed/high fiber bread
1 cup OJ

6" Roast beef sub (No mayo)

Munched along the trail
half cup sunflower seeds
half cup trail mix

Not sure on dinner yet.

Signing up at the gym on Monday!!!!!
Snow's finally off the mountain. Sweet. Did something a little different today. Instead of simply hiking the logging road. Started out the normal way, then switched up and hiked up the floor of a hollow. According to Google earth, the elevation difference between the floor, and the peaks on either side are between 300 and 400 ft. high. So, turned and walked, climbed straight up the side, to the peak. Turned around and walked back down to the bottom. Repeated this process 4 more times. This is up hills that are literally 45 degrees or steeper. Next time I go up, I'm taking a camera. The last trip up, was literally hill climbing 200 ft. up, and rock climbing the last 50 or 75 ft. Great workout. Once I hit the top of the hill, I hit an atv path and then continued on for a nice, strenuous 12 mile hike. Legs were kind of trashed when I got back, this following 14 miles yesterday. Feeling much better now, thinking about logging some Wii Fit time.

This was all after doing my body weight exercises for approx. 40 minutes. Feel like I got in my first good workout in about 3 days. Tomorrow, off to the gym.

1st Breakfast
PB&J on Flax seed/fiber bread
1 cup OJ

2nd Breakfast
1 cup fiber one cereal
1.5 cups 1% milk

PB&J on Flax seed/fiber bread

Snack while Hiking
1/2 cup Roasted Sunflower seeds
and two bottles of Propel

4 oz. Smoked salmon
1/2 cup brown and wild rice
1 cup mixed veggies.

Looking forward to hitting the weights tomorrow.
That hike sounds awesome! I wish I lived in the moutains....or at least not on the dirty side of a big city. Nowhere to walk or bike. Anyway, you're doing great, good luck at the gym!