my intro


New member
Hey there, well my name is Josh and I've decided to get myself back in shape.

Here are the cliff notes.

I was always in great shape as a child and teenager. At 18 I joined the Marine Corps and went to boot camp. I was running 19 minute three miles, 30 pull-ups and 100 crunches in two minutes, I was in awesome shape, only one problem which I'm still having problems with something but we'll get to that in a minute. I started lifting weights and continued staying in great shape. Two years ago I got Pnuemonia really bad and after the infection was gone I still had problems breathing. The doctors had me on 12 pills a day, and at 26 years old I felt like a wreck. Finally after 8 months they figured out I had scar tissue in my lungs and had devloped asthma. During that 8 months I had gained a lot of weight from being on prednisone. Now two years later I've been on prednisone more than I've been off. During this time I had developed depresion which didn't help with the weight and had a snowball effect.

The problem I reffered to before was that during bootcamp we only got about ten minutes maximum per meal and if you didn't get it in time or missed a meal you went hungry. With all the physical activity we did missing one meal took a toll. So anytime it was meal time was stressful to ensure I got the meal I needed. Ever since then I stress out at meal times, when I know it's time for breakfast, lunch or dinner I eat even if I'm not hungry at all. On top of that I continue to try to make myself feel full, even after I know I've eaten enough I feel like I need to keep eating until I feel full or I will be hungry. Basically this problem is that I'm afraid to feel hungry.

I've finally opened my eyes to this and know what I need to do. I just hope that I can do this and not fail. We'll see.

i'm currently 5'8" and 245lbs hoping to get to 185 5lbs at a time

Hope to learn and use people on here for support.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Hey josh good luck it sounds like you have good insight on your self and what you need to do. there is lots of good advice and ideas here so see ya around!
thanks for the welcome. you know when I realized what most of the problem was it was a relief in itself. I think being able to admit the problem and recognizing it will make it easier, but not easy...if that makes sense.
First I would like to say thank you for serving in the military for us. This takes time and adjustment. Is there a reason you are still taking predisone? When you eat look at the time and begin to make yourself sit long to finish a plate of food. So you make sure you don't over eat, put everything on your plate that you plan to eat. Now look at that food, ask yourself is it food of value or empty calories and do I need to eat this much. Because of your issues portion control may be a little more difficult, but not impossible. One day, One meal at a time. Your stomach will begin to shrink as you slowly cut back on portion size. Don't skip meals, when you do that you actually begin to store fat & you want to burn fat, build muscle. Welcome & if I can be any help let me know. I help people everyday get off the yo-yo dieting to lose weight and keep it off. My newest client is a 450 pound man. So you can do this too. Great job for making the choice to change.
thanks for the encouragement rfire. I'm still taking prednisone because anytime my asthma gets nutty or i have an alergic reaction to something it never fails they put me on prednisone and the way my luck has it I'm on it more often than I'm not. I haven't been on it 100% of the time since it's all started but if I had to put it into a number I'd guess 75 to 80% of the time.

I currently still work for the government and I'm starting my own buisness so I always seem to be running low on time to take time with my meals. As long as I can slow it down and take some time I'll be doing a lot better.

I started getting some physical activity again, went for a four mile mountain bike ride yesterday and will be doing it again tonight. I'm not worried about losing pounds near as much as I just want to feel better about where my weight is.
That is awesome that you went mtn. biking, great job. Making one change at a time is what it takes to getting you closer to your goals. What kind of business are you starting? Since you are on the go so much, are you taking the time during the day to eat? Or are you getting hungry & then the thoughts come back from boot camp.
rfire said:
That is awesome that you went mtn. biking, great job. Making one change at a time is what it takes to getting you closer to your goals. What kind of business are you starting? Since you are on the go so much, are you taking the time during the day to eat? Or are you getting hungry & then the thoughts come back from boot camp.

The buisness I'm starting is an internet based motorcycle buisness so it's good that the hours will be flexible. Being busy I still find time to eat at least three times a day, my main problem is what I'm eating, the amounts and the times I'm eating. The only thoughts that come from boot camp are like when I'm at break on my regular job I feel like I have to eat. Since I'm so busy I don't bring food with me to work so I always end up going to the vending machine of death. I also know that soda is another major downfall that I must get over. I think that if I can avoid drinking soda, or at least cut it down by 50% to start with and bring food to work with me to eat it will be a huge help.

I really felt good after going for that ride yesterday, except my tail is killing me, need a new seat. I didn't go today because the heat is crazy but I did go walking about 2.5 miles. I know it's nothing major to some but like you said a change is where it starts and that is where I'm at right now.
Motorcycle internet company, sounds interesting.

Great Job Today! You are right some might say that 2.5 mls. is not that much. I say it's great, I don't know what state you are in, but here it was about 100 degrees today. Some people might only be able to walk .1 of a mile, but you start at your level so go will do it again tomorrow.
And you know what today you worked different muscle than you worked yesterday, that is better for you anyway, so your muscle have time to recover. Vending machines are bad, I would like to give you some advice on that, but I can not do it on this site if you would like to e-mail me I can discuss it there.

Otherwise, great job today. What are your exercise goals tomorrow, just keeping you accountable. Remember portion size & the quality of food you are about to put into your body, will it burn fat & feed your muscles or will it feed your fat & starve you muscles. Think about that before you eat your meal.
Well i bought some dumbells today so i'm going go use those for shoulder and arm workouts. I'm going to star walking my dog at least two miles a day and hopefully get on the bike every other day. Going to take Sundays off as well.
Hey man I have asthma as well and used prednisone when I was smaller. I know it makes you gain weight which sucks. Anyway good luck with the weight loss. I am about the same weight as you right now used to be bigger. The most important thing right now is your mind and willpower.
Fantastic! It sounds like you are really ready to be committed, that is exciting. Just remember not to over do it so you don't get to sore, build up. I am happy for you keep moving forward. I will be back to see how you are doing.

Keep Going Strong
I know exactly how you feel about having food taken from you or missing out. My husband used to take my food, meaning if I had bought a candy bar for myself, he would eat it. If we had spaghetti for dinner, he would pile his plate really high and I was left with almost nothing. It got to the point were I began hording my food--hiding my special treats, making sure that I got my food first....which of course led to me eating more because I was afraid he was going to eat it all. Luckily I recognized the problem and forced myself to stop. I'm positive that you can work through this food issue you're having. Good luck.