This is my HIIT routine it's been working so far I just want to know if u guys consider it HIIT and what you think.

Warm up 5 minutes: Jog at 5.0 MPH
6th Minute: Sprint at 9.0 MPH
7th Minute: Jog at 5.0 MPH
8th Minute: Spring at 9.0 MPH

You guys get the idea I do that for 30 minutes and than I do a 2 minute little walk as a cool down. Right after this my meal is a protein shake and some egg whites.
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HIIT isnt neccessarily about the speed you are running, its about your heart rate. Without knowing your level of conditioning its impossible for anyone to critique your intensities well. Also you are going to want more than a minute between high intensity intervals and shorten up the intervals. I dont know anyone who can run flat out at top speed for a minute.
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Agreed, generally if you last longer than 20 seconds or so, you aren't REALLY pushing yourself. Find something and push yourself to the absolute limit, and there is no chance in hell you will make it past a half minute.
The fact that you know your exact speeds suggest that you're training on a treadmill. Your sprints should be maximum intensity, which is nigh on impossible to do on a treadmill. Get down the park, mate.