My head always thinks I'm hungry


New member
I'm trying my best to eat 3 squares a day, when I was unemployed and didn't have much money it wasn't that hard because I only had access to those meals, but now that I have money again I always seem to be "hungry."

I put hungry in quotes because I'm not physically hungry. Like my stomach doesn't feel the hunger, but I'm mentally hungry. My mind won't stop thinking about ordering some nachos from the pizza place or going to the corner store for some snacks.

The only time my mind doesn't think about eating is when I'm completely full, and even then it only lasts until the full feeling goes away.

I'm just wondering what I can do to combat this psychological warfare my mind is waging on my gut.

Thanks for reading.
Try drinking water when you feel those mental pangs.

Or, you could just tell the voices in your head to shut up. :)
Perhaps you can distract yourself other ways when you feel that "hunger". Go for a walk. Read a book. Write in a journal. Anything to take your mind off feeling hungry and distract you.
All good suggestions...I try to fill up on water when I want to snack. ALso, something that works for me every time...I come to this site and read all the inspirational stories, struggles and challenges. Works to motivate me every time!
You can have a healthy snack between your three meals - eating six times a day is not uncommon for weight loss maintenance or to keep your energy up during the day. I would suggest a healthy snack between meals, like a piece of fruit, or bread with peanut butter on it, or a yogurt cup, and a big glass of water. Carry a water bottle with you all the time if you like, and just keep filling it up and drinking throughout the day.

I eat every three hours, and if I go over that I become ravenous and crave high-sugar, calorie-dense foods, or I savage my next meal and don't really enjoy it. Just something to think about.
Usually when I gain weight (during exams), I keep eating all the time. ALL THE TIME!! I think you have to start slow, I call this food addiction, I had that for a while!! It sucks I know!
I've heard too that portion control is HUGE!! Your stomach has stretch receptors to signal your brain that you are full. But if you eat past that mark, and your stomach becomes stretched, then as soon as you start digesting your brain thinks your hungry. I've done this so many times when I'm eating something 'really good'!! I eat too much and then 20min later, I'm hungry. Eating more doesn't mean that you'll be fuller, longer. All the new research is saying to eat 6 smaller meals a day like "alphafemale" said. That's great advice!!
Go do something. Walk around the block, go shoot some hoops, read a book, browse the web, play with the dog, etc.

Keep your mind off of it and you will outgrow it eventually.
just keep telling yourself NO! your mind will finally get the hang of things. Also... the water drinking really is a good idea. drink water until you are so sick of it you could barf hehe
just keep telling yourself NO! your mind will finally get the hang of things. Also... the water drinking really is a good idea. drink water until you are so sick of it you could barf hehe

I just have to interject here that you should NOT drink water until you are sick! Water intoxication can kill you, I'm not exaggerating. I was a lifeguard for 5 years and we had to educate people about it a lot (kids drinking pool water, babies drinking too much water, etc.) It happens when you drink enough water that your sodium level is dangerously diluted. As you know, we need a certain amount of sodium to LIVE, and when too much water is drunk, it becomes impossible for the body to regulate the imbalance.

Water intoxication killed an adult female recently in the States during a water drinking contest on the radio in 2007, here's the link:

I just have to interject here that you should NOT drink water until you are sick! Water intoxication can kill you, I'm not exaggerating. I was a lifeguard for 5 years and we had to educate people about it a lot (kids drinking pool water, babies drinking too much water, etc.) It happens when you drink enough water that your sodium level is dangerously diluted. As you know, we need a certain amount of sodium to LIVE, and when too much water is drunk, it becomes impossible for the body to regulate the imbalance.

Water intoxication killed an adult female recently in the States during a water drinking contest on the radio in 2007, here's the link:

oh good lord. I didnt tell her to fill her bathtub and drink it til she died.

I personally feel like im sick and tired of water my by 8 8oz glasses.

anyhow, drink water and im sure it will *help* to say the least.

and alphafemale has a good point, however i did not mean to drink it until you were actually SICK.... i guess i mean so sick of water from drinking it all day.

but whatever.
I just have to interject here that you should NOT drink water until you are sick! Water intoxication can kill you, I'm not exaggerating. I was a lifeguard for 5 years and we had to educate people about it a lot (kids drinking pool water, babies drinking too much water, etc.) It happens when you drink enough water that your sodium level is dangerously diluted. As you know, we need a certain amount of sodium to LIVE, and when too much water is drunk, it becomes impossible for the body to regulate the imbalance.

Water intoxication killed an adult female recently in the States during a water drinking contest on the radio in 2007, here's the link:

I also learned the hard way, that it's not just water, but ALL fluid. I was drinking my 8 glasses of water, plus 2 cups of coffee, 2-3 cups of tea, a glass of soy milk, glass of skim milk and a glass of juice everyday. My poor kidney's were screamming!!! It didn't even occur to me that all the other fluid had to be counted as well.
Don't eat three square meals a day then. Eat five or six smaller meals a day to satisfy your brain.

Also, every time you start to feel that hunger, drink some water (I'm not saying drink a gallon of water, just start with a cup). I've read that your body can trick you into thinking you're hungry when you're actually in need of water.
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I've also heard that you can really be thirsty when thinking of food. Another thing you might want to try is keeping some fruit around for a healthy snack.