My Goal, taking a big leap.

Let me start off by saying that I'm new to these forums of course, and that any input you guys give me will be taken literally so please if you reply, know what you are talking about.
With that said, Here are my Specs :
Weight : 130lb (58.96kg)
Height: 5'6in (167.64cm)
BMR : 1591.7
My IBM is pretty normal, and I haven't really found out my body fat but ill post it asap. I eat about 1000-1500 calories a day. I know I should increase but I don't know how much exactly.

Ok I used to be a fat kid 150-160 lb, about a year ago I had a series of panic attacks and anxiety that made it hard for me to eat and I constantly vomited etc... I lost ton of weight and I stopped at 130lb which people have told me is normal. Ive had that weight for about 9 months now and I love it, but im starting to notice that I want a more tone body and thats why I want to gain muscle. Also becuz sometimes I don't eat becuz im scared of gaining weight since I dont want to look like used to. Im guessing that if I start to workout that will open the doors for me to eat and be satisfied without feeling guilty. I don't want to be that bulky or "squared" more like toned and fit, and to have noticeable muscles. My brother is a die hard fan of bodybuilding, he does weights and drinks a lot of supplements but also eat a lot of junk which is why he is very fat but very strong. He says thats his plan and that he will lose the weight and the muscle will show. He has tons of supplements that he has been trying to make me use, but I've been scared since I keep thinking that its going to have side effects on me stuff like that. I think now the only thing im willing to take is creatine, my bro says that will help me build muscle since I dont eat a lot of protein.
Heres another question is the amount protein I eat based on how much I work out? I would rather eat protein than take the shakes.

So with all that said lol, do any of you have any ideas on some workout plans? I think Mondays, Weds, and Fridays will be good. How long should I workout and hat should I do? I am really really a beginner when it comes to lifting. Thanks guys for your help.
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Hi welcome to the forum!

Your stats look pretty normal for a healthy teenager although 1000 calories a day seems dangerously low to me although I'm not an expert on diets.
If you are under 18, I don't recommend taking creatine or anything else that will alter your growth.
As for protein, if you're working out, you should intake 1 g of protein per pound of body weight. So for you, around 130 g's of protein. Protein rich foods include meat and eggs.
To get enough protein into my system, I take protein supplements every morning and immediately after workouts. My protein is found in powder form and is taken in shake form.

You can easily find workout plans on this site or around the internet. Pick one that will help fulfill your goals. Your workouts should not exceed an hour.

Good luck.
Yeah I htink im going to try the one for "Skinny Bastards" lol. O I turned 18 today :D...sry for not being specific. I think I have a broad idea on what to take. Im also going to take some creatine to help me do a few more pumps. Im gonna try to eat a lot and healthy to get a clean bulk. Then Cut w/e extre few pounds I gained. Im kinda like the skinny fat person but I think itz becuz I dropped weight really fast in an unhealthy way. Thanks for your reply. :)