My first showing!

If anyone is in the Texas area (Arlington) you should come down to the Texas Scottish Festival and Highland Games.

I'll be competing there for my first Games competition. Here's what we do

I believe I'll be competing on Friday. Here's the schedule of events
SWEET!! Make sure one of the boys brings a camera, so we can get some in action shots!!
Unfortunately, the other side of the world is a little far to travel but, I'll be wishing you the very best of luck from over here ;)

Knock 'em dead
Awesome Evo!! Best of luck with it. Keep training hard and you'll do great. I so wish I could go watch, better get loads of pictures :D
I thought I'd bump this up since I've noticed we've had quite a few new members and some from in the Dallas area. If you guys have nothing to do in 9-10 days (June 2-4), this is an awesome event. Lots of food, music, booths, dancing, and the best sport in teh world-Highland throwing.

I'll be throwing at 9:30 AM on Sat. And I'll be drinking 8 hours later.:D
I was going to San Antonio At the end of June. Good luck though. I've always wanted to compete with games like that. Like everyone else take pictures!
tonymcclellan said:
You mean you'll be drinking for 8 hours...

Good luck evo, and if a damn weight comes crashing through my window...

If I'm drinking for 8 hours my damn tolerance is to high. No promises on your window though. ;)
Good luck Evo -- keep us posted on how it goes! :)