Listen to me and listen hard....
About 5 years ago I abruptly felt very strange, almost passed-out, had terrible episodes of dizziness...all sorts of strange stuff. It's a long story, but I'll keep it simple. I had CT scans, MRI's, blood test and saw several many experts including a visit to the world-famous House-Ear Clinic. Nothing. Each doctor would quietly listen, make a few notes and then offer their best guess and no real hope beyond figuring it'll likely pass.
Until you have vertigo or the spinning sensation, NOBODY knows the feeling and how horrible it is. I saw, on the tv, a dead body and it looked so f-in peaceful. After months of feeling horrible and even having dreams where I was spinning (cause the spinning got into my dreams as it was input from my inner-ear while I was sleeping)...I found myself absolutely miserable. I cried and begged God to take my life. I was too much of a ****y to take my gun and kill myself.....but you can't just read this and "try" to relate....you have to be in the mix and feeling it. It's really something to know what it's like to lose your will to live. I resigned myself that if the doctors couldn't cure me or it didn't get better....I'd have to find a way to end my life. Fortunately, back then, I didn't have kids and I felt I could terminate things and not be missed too much. Okay, since it was before I had kids, it must have been 10 years ago....but I can still remember the pain...holding onto my bed and having to crawl to the bathroom as if I was on a boat in hurricane weather. Biology can be so f-in cruel.
Anyways...while all the doctors had nothing to offer me except anti-vert (moition sickness medication which hardly helped)....it was a customer of mine who told me to get my teeth checked. The dentist said I really needed to get my wisdom teeth taken care of because several were impacted and it didn't look good...that and some other stuff.
The Oral surgeon who did the wisom teeth removal was skeptical that my issues were related to my teeth....but after the proceedure he reported that one wisdom tooth had been badly infected and the infectious fluid had been likely draining into my sinuses and from there up (from inside) to my inner-ear and my conditions could likely have been complicated by the ongoing infection. He couldn't believe I wasn't in more pain...but evidently the pressure was passing out from the gum where the wisdom tooth was impacting into my other tooth.
Anyways....soon after the wisdom teeth were removed and the antibiotics cleaned things up....I got a new lease on life. Previous attempts by antibiotics did kill the infection, but all the decay and rot would just bring it back...like a fire that wasn't able to be entirely put-out.
I've since met 2 other people in horrible shape with odd conditions...and both I related my story to and both went to the dentist to find they had dead roots in their teeth or some kind of infection. Both had things cleaned-up and both got better.
The medical practice is just that...a practice! The more they are exposed to, the more they learn/know. General doctors tend to be clueless about dental issues. People used to mostly die from teeth-related infections! Thank God for modern dentistry!
The body is amazing at fixing itself...you'll be shocked at how well it can do this...just get sleep, drink, eat healthy.
Get your teeth checked THOROUGHLY.....dollars per dumbells you've got dental issues!
And let anyone who reads this take away two things:
Know how important it is to have a healthy mouth and remember this so you can tell others about it...cause most doc's don't know this!
Take EVERYDAY in good health as a divine gift....for while it may seem (as we suspend disbelief) that we'll live forever...life is quite fragile and time is fleeting. Like an inevitable tide, time catches up to all and with it are ailments and a diminishing physical body: nobody lives forever....cherish each day and recognize it as a gift.
Karky...you'll get past this, but get your skinny ass to the dentist asap!