My exercise plan. Assistance needed.

So I posted this on the weight loss forum but it only got one reply and it linked me to this website and it seems this website is more what I am after. Here is what I wrote.

So basically I would like you guys to take a look at my exercise plan and see if you can find any faults in it or anything you think could be improved as I am very new to working out.

About me
16 years old male 5FT 10" 140lbs 13% body fat

Pictures of me

What I want
When I was younger I was very chubby but since then I have become slimmer as I have grown and got taller, but there is still a bit of flab left that I want to get rid of and now that I am 16 I think its an okay age to start working out including strength training through body weight and weights and cardio to be overall fitter.

I have access to a wide range of weights and utilities to use including a bench.

Saturday,Tuesday,Thursday - Strength training
8KG Dumbell curl each arm 12,12,6,12
13kg dumbell both arms 14.14,7,14
13KG dumbell behind head 12,12,6,12
Push ups 12.12.6,12
Situps/crunches 20,20,10,30
20KG Bench press 12,12,6,12
Squats 12,12,6,12

Sunday,Monday,Wednesday - Cardio
20-30 minutes High intensity heavy bag.

I will gradually increase the weights/reps as the weeks go on.

Oh and I forgot to say that my overall goal is to gain muscle mass while lowering my body fat%, not about loosing weight but I want to get in shape.
You have a great start but you are neglecting your back and shoulders. There are 4 power exercises that I would suggest: deadlifts, squats, bench press & overhead press. Focus on body parts not exercises so day 1 do chest and triceps, day 2 cardio, day 3 legs & shoulders, day 4 cardio, day 5 back & biceps. There are a hundred variations but I think you get the idea. Good luck.
If exercise order is anything to go by, you're prioritizing your exercises wrong. Out of the exercises you're doing, squats and bench press are probably the most important in reality, but you've given them a back seat to arms and abs. As Trek said, squats, bench press, deadlifts and overhead press should be the foundation of your program.

That being said, I disagree with the notion that you should be worrying about muscle groups or a body part split at this point in time -- even if it might be more beneficial for your goals (which I don't think it would be), the fact that your current plan isn't very good tells me that if you tried putting together a bodypart split it would be awful. Sorry to be harsh.

Here are some good programs designed for beginners (which you are, and likely will be for longer than your ego would like to admit) that are built around squatting, pressing and pulling. It doesn't matter which one you do, just pick one and do it. The results you'll get, if you do the programs properly and eat right according to your goals, will speak for themselves.

A Simple Beginner's Routine - Forums

***Rippetoe's Starting Strength FAQ*** - Forums
Thanks for the replies. Goldfish, I will be sure to check out those exercise plans but before I do I want to ask you if I need to lower my bf% and then start on the strength training, or jump straight into it.
Anyone have any input to my question?
