Sport My "diet"

Sport Fitness
So my Dad has gone on a diet this monday so I thought it would be the best time to start mine. It's not really a diet since I am only 16. I am not trying to lose lots of weight, well infact the only thing I aim to do is lose 2-4 inches off my waist. It's weird really because my body is slim except for my stomach/waist which is very rounded and quite chubby, and I know you can't target fat loss but thats all I really want to do.

So I exercise a lot anyway, but I have started more, seeing as I'm in study leave I have no College until september so I can carry this on for a few months. I goto the gym almost everyday (leaving the weekend for a rest so I don't damage anything) I do an hour workout in this time, doing circuit work and repeating everything in groups of 3 (e.g. 10 press ups 10 situps and plank for 30 seconds, then repeat 3 times) I then do a series of weight exercises e.g. lunge and press, or sumo squats whilst holding 7kg in my hands. I then go back to the gym later and do a class (sometimes but rarely 2 in one night) So yesterday I did circuits, and today I'm doing Aerobiking and 20.20.20.

My diet, on the other hand. I am trying to cut out carb's from dinner, not every night, but I'm basically trying to not eat them after 5/6. I've increased my meat intake, and every morning I have a bowl of Special K and a glass of fresh apple or orange juice. For the rest of the day I only drink water. For lunch I have a sandwich with either chicken turkey or salmon and salad.

My question is, do you think this is a good plan? Also, I heard that drinking juice only in the morning and drinking only water for the rest of the day is really good for you, is this true?
No! Starch and sugar are you worst enemies if you are trying to loose fat! Especially a starchy cerial and high glycemic index juice for breakfast. Your first meal should be a protein source (eggs, meat, fish). You would be better off eating an orange or apple (preferably post workout) and sticking with drinking only water. Also as a rule of thumb is to avoid processed foods (like Special K; contrary to their advertising campaign it just not good for you) and stick to the least processed foods possible (meat, eggs, nuts, vegetables, fruits, etc.).
Starches are still good for you when losing weight. You need carbohydrates for energy to exercise in the first place. And juices don't tend to have more than a moderate glycemic index, so go ahead and have some in the morning. (Besides, as long as you're balancing even a high GI food with a low one, it more or less averages out inside your body.)

But yeah, protein is good in the morning because it can help curb your appetite. Still, again, add some carbs to your breakfast. You need that direct source of energy first thing in the morning.
I would recommend some protein source (eggs, meat, dairy) and a piece of fruit, preferably with a low glycemic index (grapefruit, strawberry, etc.).

A good rule of thumb is: don't drink your calories. Drink water and eat whole foods. When you eat fruit you get juice along with fiber, so it is more filling and more nutritionally beneficial.