Sport My Diet starts today!

Sport Fitness
I have put on 8 kilos and this is only the start :SaiyanSmilie_anim: I haven't really been dieting i have just been eating what i can when i can but i have a weight gain diet now so here it is.

Meal 1: Shake 75gs with 120 grams weetbix

meal 2: Shake 75gs 4-6 slices of bread 200gs fruit 30-40 gs of nuts

meal 3: Lunchtime: 120 gs red or white meat on 2 salad rolls or with 300-400 gs of rice and pasta

meal 4: Shake 75gs and 4-6 slices of bread plus 200gs of fruit and 40 gs nuts

Meal 5:200-400gs of white meat and rice/pasta/potatos 300-400gs plus vegies and/or salad

meal 6: before bed shake 75gs on its own or with fruit

Meal 7: 75gs shake and 1-2 bananas and drink 3-5 litres of water a day

Also my new workout

Monday chest: flat bench 4 sets 1 set warm up 20 reps 2nd set 15 reps failure 3rd 12 failure 4th 8 failure

cable crossovers same as flat bench

Wensday back and arms: bent over rows and seated rows barbell curls and dumbbell curls all the same rep range

Friday shoulders: shoulder press and forgot the name but you stand and you pull your shoulders upwards with dumbbells near to your head.

All the same rep range as the bench and a light ten min walk afterwards

no legs because currently still healing from surgery

and i weigh 68 kg
What do you think?
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Maybe it's just me, but I cringed when I saw 4-6 slices of bread twice per day.

And you might be overkilling the shakes, perhaps trade one or two of those with chicken or tuna etc.
Maybe it's just me, but I cringed when I saw 4-6 slices of bread twice per day.

And you might be overkilling the shakes, perhaps trade one or two of those with chicken or tuna etc.

I totally agree with this...far too heavy emphasis on the shakes...also don't know what kind of shake you are it a weight gainer type with lot's of fat and calories, or a more standard whey? Also, it kind of looks like you are dosing up on bread for bread's sake...whole grain bread as the carb component in something like a turkey sandwich is great, but just like thinking about empty calories, that much bread is kind of "empty carbs"

I think your nutrition plan is also lacking in fiber and EFA's.

Remember that the whey in protein shakes is great stuff, but it's kind of like the sugar of the protein world (I love this quote and it's from a very smart lady from another forum, but it puts whey in perspective). It is absorbed very quickly and is best used as a component of your excercise recovery plan.
Take the protein shakes pre and post workout, and get the rest of your protein from whole food sources. Cottage cheese is a great before bed meal, and the tuna or salmon are great alternatives for protein. If you added some ground flaxseed to the plan, you'd get both great fiber and EFA's at the same time. Somewhere in there add a metamucil/cod liver oil "shake" and now you're talkin!!

What is your cardio plan?
What is your surgical recovery schedule looking like?
i just have to wait 4 weeks till i am allowed to wait train with it the doctor ses so what are these other things you suggest i put in there ? and what does fiber come from ? i do 10 min walk after workout that is it