Goodmorning PLBFitness !
Sorry for my late response ,i had been a little busy lately
I'm not sure what your nutritionist meant by your metabolism being fast due to the type of foods that you eat, so I'm sorry, but I can't really shed any light on that one. I wouldn't want to put words in her mouth or interperet things wrong. [/quote]
My nutritionist said that protein in each meal and generally healthy eating can have that result on the metabolism and frequent eating times also.
In my opinion, it really seems like you're just going to need to take it one step at a time. Your first step might only be to increase your daily caloric intake enough so that you simply maintain your weight. Don't even think about making any other changes until you are feeling comfortable and confident with the results. The next step might be to add one day per week of strength training and to prevent a loss in weight, add the corresponding amount of calories into your diet so that you don't lose weight. Continue until you've added 3 days per week of strength training and are eating enough so that you don't lose weight. After doing this for a while, THEN maybe start thinking about actually gaining weight. How does that sound? The biggest reason that I can see for gaining weight right away would be if there is a medical reason that you should do so. If not, then (again in my opinion) it sounds like you just need to work on maintaining weight and adding the strength training first. The process above may take a while, say, up to six months or even more. If you try to go too fast, you might get overwhelmed and revert back to old habits. Give yourself lots of time and don't pressure yourself about having a strict timeline. Get comfortable with small changes (which might not feel that small to you) before moving on to the next change. [/quote]
I totally agree that i should give time to myself in order to improve these things . I found out that it makes me anxious the whole calculating calories thing , although i didn't do it in order to lose weigh but to see how many calories i consume . But i felt restricted after doing that ,i guess it is a matter of psychological factor ,rifht ? I worry too much about choosing the right amounts of macros every day and i am afraid that my body will change if i won't follow that schedule.. I also noticed that this anxiety increased after that meeting with my nutritionist ,eventhough it should have the opposite affect ! Also ,the summer i used to eat slightly less because i was not very hungry but now need more food ,is that normal ?
In a few words , my current thoughts about my body and food are the following : I like the way my body looks at 48 kg but i am eager to gain 2-3 more if that means that I will be healthier. I althoug admit that i dont feel totally comfortable with that and i am scared that i won't be very satisfied with my body if i gain weight.
Also ,i eat 5 times a day ,that's something i enjoy very much but i have to care a lot about the amount i consume in each meal ,the amounts of macros and the time i should eat every meal because i thing that otherwise my body will change.. I know this might sounds silly .. It is tiring at times but i gain sucess from myself in the end of the day if i have done so . I know i should listen to what my body wants more instead of my schedule but it's not easy..
I believe that if i know what the ''security'' level of every day calorie intake is ,i would stop being so worried about all these things . I consume about 1600 ,do you thing that 1800 would be ok ,also ?
I am also concerned that i have started having issues again ,too much worrying is a bad sign and i dont want to start losing my life again..
Each of my posts is getting longer and longer, lol, sorry about the rambling![/quote]
Feel free to write as much as you want
Thank you very much my friend ,this thred gives me the chance to express things and your responces are very helpful and useful !