Sport my diet and questions

Sport Fitness
Mostly wondering if this is a healthy diet for someone whose goal is to lose fat or if I need to change anything. This is an outline of what I usually eat whether I'm doing exercise that day or not. I'm 5'3 approx 110 lbs.

1/2 cup oatmeal+ banana or 1 cup kashi cereal + banana
apple + either string cheese, yogurt, or beef jerkey
veggies+ either red potato, yam, sweet potato or brown rice, + some kind of bean such as black, red, pinto etc
veggies+ fish or chicken, or non meat protein source
1/2 cup cottage cheese, sometimes with yogurt or natural peanut butter

I'm curious as to what vegetables everyone eats a day and if you meet the 4-5 serving recommendation. Do you try to eat more than one serving per meal?
you need a calorie count on your serving sizes to make sure you are getting enough calories but not too many. all the stuff your eating is healthy except the beef jerky. the nitrates in that and pretty much any prepared meats (deli stuff has a direct link to increased cancer risks. IMO dump the stuff from your diet and add some other protein source. the foil pouch tuna thats out now is really convenient if your on the go. i stash one in my bag for when im running around and need to eat something.
I'd say "needs more lean protein and healthy fats"

are you against eating red meat? if so...why? obviously you're not vegetarian since you have chicken and fish in the list...
Thanks for the replies. Not really trying to loose weight, just fat. What I'd really like to do is get to a lower body fat % and then bulk, my ultimate goal is to have a balanced body. I think the way my body is now may be cause for back aches I have been having. I'm thinking about getting a personal trainer for advice, I think it'd help me keep on track. I've been doing well for a few months but lately for some reason I've been letting myself stray on diet and exercise.

Counting calories is hard for me. I know I should do it but I just don't want to deal with it, I usually estimate. I know calories of breakfast and snacks but not usually lunch and dinner. I just know I need about 1300 calories a day.

Nothing against red meat, I'll have a some steak every once in a awhile, we just don't have it often. Still though, isn't chicken and fish a better choice when it comes to meat?
Thanks for the replies. Not really trying to loose weight, just fat. What I'd really like to do is get to a lower body fat % and then bulk, my ultimate goal is to have a balanced body. I think the way my body is now may be cause for back aches I have been having.

Your current weight is already on the low side of the supposedly "healthy" range for your height; if you feel that your current body fat percentage is too high (a situation that is sometimes called "skinny fat"), you may want to consider emphasizing muscle / strength gain first (and added muscle will increase your metabolism and make it easier to lose fat). Have you had your body fat percentage measured?

As others have said, serving sizes would be needed to make any kind of assessment on your food intake.