Sport My Daily Diet - Good? Bad? Ugly?

Sport Fitness
Hi all,

Just looking for feedback on my current diet:
(On top of this I'm doing 3-4 cardio sessions a week + 4 weights sessions)

Breakfast: 6.30am : Organic Oatmeal (made with half scoop of whey powder + water)

Snack 10am: Apple

Lunch 1pm: Wholemeal Pitta with cottage cheese and 1 chicken breast

Snack 3.30pm: Apple or banana

Dinner: 7.30-8pm: grilled meat or fish and 2 portions of boiled vegetables (usually brocolli, carrots or spinach)

I also take a multivitamin supplement and a whey protein shake after my workout

I'm trying to increase muscle definition.
Workout are generally in the mornings but I cycle to and from work too (5miles each way).

Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance...
Hey good morning,

Your idea of the foods you are intaking is good, however you are eatting way too late at night. What time do you normally go to sleep?

For muscle definition you must be sure that you are taking in alot of water. Lean proteins. You may want to skip the protein shake after the workout because that is giving you the mass, and not cutting you.

And long as you are taking in at least one protein and one carb for every meal you take in, you should be set. What kind of cardio do you normally do when you do your 4 days? Or does the cycling count as your cardio?
Also, do you eat breakfast before or after you work out in the morning? Try having that banana BEFORE you work out and the oatmeal AFTER. This way, your body is opt to burn more fat and cut harder then you would if you ate brekfast before hand. Good luck!
Navygirl8405 said:
You may want to skip the protein shake after the workout because that is giving you the mass, and not cutting you.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but protein is required for cutting as well as bulking. How one gets the protein, whether from a shake or from food, shouldn't matter. As long as there is a caloric deficit you should lose body fat
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Spiderman said:
Hi all,

Just looking for feedback on my current diet:
(On top of this I'm doing 3-4 cardio sessions a week + 4 weights sessions)

Breakfast: 6.30am : Organic Oatmeal (made with half scoop of whey powder + water)

Snack 10am: Apple

Lunch 1pm: Wholemeal Pitta with cottage cheese and 1 chicken breast

Snack 3.30pm: Apple or banana

Dinner: 7.30-8pm: grilled meat or fish and 2 portions of boiled vegetables (usually brocolli, carrots or spinach)

I also take a multivitamin supplement and a whey protein shake after my workout

I'm trying to increase muscle definition.
Workout are generally in the mornings but I cycle to and from work too (5miles each way).

Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance...

Actually the most glaring weakness in your diet is that you have to add a protein with each of your snacks. You could also add another veggie during the day. Also your water intake is important, although you may have that covered, I don't know.
Not enough protein. Both snacks need 25g of protein. You also need another serving of protein, and probably a whole scoop at breakfast (assuming 1 scoop gives you 20-30g of protein)

When you cut fat, you should be cutting carbs, NOT protein. Carbs get used for energy. cut carbs, adn you force the body to tap into fat for energy.
I'm gonna have to agree with malkore but at the same time say you should eat more of everything as well. Riding your bike 10 miles each day is bound to burn a ton of calories, PLUS another cardio session every other day? Don't get me wrong, I wish I were as active as you, but you should eat more for how active you are.

By the way, food choices look excellent. Perhaps try to fit some more complex carbs in there as well.
Thanks for all the feedback - much appreciated!

I have now swapped the first snack and breakfast around (snack before workout, breakfast after).

I'll add some cottage cheese or nuts to the snacks too.

I already drink lots of water. Around 3-4 litres a day