My Current Routine overall...


New member
Hey all, until now, I've been overweight my whole life, 180 lbs. at the age of 12, my weight pretty much shifted all over the place. Freshmen year of highschool I was around 132 lbs, Softmore year at 147 lbs, and ended Junior year at 163 lbs. Over this summer I was able to drop around 13 lbs from walking and playing Dance Dance Revolution religiously, lol. That was within one month or so(July). I also started weight training around then. By September I was 155 lbs I believe. I looked thinner than when I was 132 lbs Freshmen year, as weird as that sounds. As of now, I'm 147 lbs but I still want to lose more to get abs to show up and etc. I'm 18 years old. I mainly want to lose weight + tone up, it doesn't matter about the strength I gain, but that's always a plus(currently I can bench more than my body weight anyway). Here's the type of workout routine I'm looking into:

Total Raisen Bran /w cut up banana (maybe around 350 calories together)
Cup of Coffee /w sugar (Let's say like 120 calories)

2 whole grain Cereal Bars (280 calories together)

Protein Powder mixed with water, (like 128 calories)
Perhaps Cheese Pizza(once a week) or Total Whole Grain Cereal(usually the rest of the week), Sometimes even what the family eats(to a certain extent) depending on the remaining calorie count (Anywhere from 100-500 calories)

Before Bed:
Cup of Green Tea with nothing added. (0 cals)

And throughout the day I eat fruits and vegetables, primarily:
Carrots, Oranges, and Apples. And maybe another whole grain Cereal Bar when hungry. I try to make sure I hit at least 1200 calories. My only liquid intake is water(and when I exercise I drink TONS of it) and very small amounts of gatorade during workouts(because of the restoration of electrolytes and such).

The workouts I do are:
Everyday: Pilates in the morning -- 20 minutes
Every Other Day: Lifting Weights -- Around 20 minutes
Dance Dance Revolution on highest difficulties -- 1 hour
Sometimes: Taibo(If I feel extra energetic) --50 minutes or so

I will also start walking 3 miles a day again once the temperature becomes more reasonably warm.

I've never really been a big eater, my old eating habits when I was fat were around the same, except basically unhealthy food. I never feel like I'm going to have a system crash or anything, so I don't think I'm undereating. Well I guess I just want to know if anyone has any advice or adjustments to what I'm doing. By the looks of it, my target weight may be around 130 lbs. So that would be 17 more to go. My height is 5'6", yeah... I'm short, heh. But I can give up any food I like to eat or put any amount of time aside for any type of exercise in order to be able to be truly thin(As of now I'm, Average I guess). And my strength if anything has increased a lot, so I don't feel like I've been undereating. Though, I will consider any suggestions, thanks guys. I mainly would like to know about different kinds of nutritious food I can eat throughtout the day that will help fuel my weightloss plus help my maintain a decent calorie range so I don't end up undereating(I seriously just don't really feel hungry much, so I honestly don't know when I am). Plus, any effective exercise combinations or such would be nice.