Sport My boyfriend won't listen to me

Sport Fitness
Ok, so here's the thing. I really don't want to "nag" my boyfriend about how he eats because I don't want to be on of those people that starts eating right and complains about what other people are eating all the time. The thing is that the eats like sh!t and doesn't really realize it. He thinks that just because he's freakishly thin that he doesn't have to worry about what he puts in his mouth and that he can eat as much fat (mostly bad fats) as he wants (he literally doesn't know how to read a nutritional label). For a while I've told him a little bit here and there about trans fat and how bad it is for you. If there was one thing I would that I wish he would look out for it would be this because he's always eating from fast-food and is older (I'm thinking heart and arteries). Here are a couple things that I have said to him and that he has said back to me:

1. Me- "You really shouldn't eat so much from Buona Beef (a fast food place). Those fries, pizzas and burgers are just loaded with trans fat."

Him - "It doesn't say trans fat on the nutritional information online"

Me- "That's because right now they don't legally have to. It is safe to assume that it is there, especially because they are not a huge chain like McDonalds that have had to answer to criticism"

Him - "That's silly reasoning to just say it's there with no proof!"

2. Me- "You really shouldn't intake so much bad fat."

Him - "Look at me! I'm so thin I don't have to worry about it!"

Ok, so these are my two problems. He wants some kind of proof that trans fat is in the foods that he eats. He literally does not believe me when I say they're in all fries! And, how can I make him understand that thin isn't necessarily healthy?! Any advice would be great. Any articles, websites that I could show him (or I might just show him some responses from this forum) would be great. He is willing to listen I just don't know enough information to back up everything that I say or how to prove it :(

Easily solution: Dump him and come to me. Problem solved.

Hard solution: Get him to watch supersize me, go find some pictures of clogged arteries and show it to him, and lastly, refuse sex to him with the excuse that sperm carries transfats and will kill you.
Instead of talking about trans fats, talk about how many calories and how much saturated fat there is in that crap. Then if he is "healthy" ask him to go run a mile and see if he isnt winded. Ask him how many pushups or pullups he can do, and see what he says. Tell him that you would like him to start eating a little better, take baby steps with him and see what happens.

Sorry I have no articles. But a google search on the matter should bring back plenty of results.

Also have him watch the movie Supersize It.
Hi Nicole,

I too have a similar problem, not so much with the fast food but with processed stuff and again my partner isn't overweight but needs to watch
what he eats as he has a history of heart problems in his family.

I just typed in transfat into google and found the following.

Hope it helps.:)
I've been down this road myself with my ex. If the desire doesn't come within the person you have very small odds to convince someone of there poor eating habits.
not to be rude, but i think anyone, in this day and age, who doesnt believe that fast food is unhealthy is either ignorant or stupid...or both.
newf said:
I've been down this road myself with my ex. If the desire doesn't come within the person you have very small odds to convince someone of there poor eating habits.
Right on.

And that person's desire to change must be greater than their desire to stay the same.
~LV~ said:
And that person's desire to change must be greater than their desire to stay the same.

Amen to that. This is what i tell people before they try to quit smoking. I tried to quit a bunch of times. But I didnt want it bad enough, till of course the last time. 2 years now and havent touched a smoke and have no desire to. After 11 years of smoking, its my greatest accomplishment in life.
Show him the amount of trans fat McDonalds has in a large fries. (They have the info on their nutritional information), I think it's 6 or 8 grams, and ask him why he thinks this Burrito place is any better than McDonalds.

And of course, rent supersize me.