My body is a sponge

I just started bulking with creatine last Wednesday and that's one hell of a drug.. haha.

It seems like everything I put into my body it retains, weight wise.

Today I woke up at 152 pounds. I just stepped off the scale at 161, that is some huge fluctuation.

I am wondering when creatine finally sets in and I won't be having these monsterous weight gains (yes I knew it was coming).

I want to start measuring my weight gains on a weekly basis or so to make sure i'm eating enough but not too much.

It is good to feel a supplement actually working though..
weigh yourself again tomorrow morning. If you had anything to eat or drink between the first and second time yu weighed yourself, that will affect the number.
If you have a big appetite, your weight can fluctuate a lot just based on what's in your system. I can weigh up to 6 lbs more in the evening than I do in the morning
Yea, lucky you. Creatine did crap for me, but i'm guessing that all that weight is just the water weight creatine is supposed to retain. How are your lifts and energy levels going? Any difference?
Wow, 9 lbs is quite a lot, especially given that you start out at 152. Maybe not a big deal for someone averaging 225 or more.
I started with the creatine/glutamine/taurine a while ago, and my average scale number is about 5-6lbs heavier now. don't really know for sure if it's helping too much, but my pumps are much more intense, and I feel that I have a better ability to knock out a few more reps.

Maybe just a placebo effect.
Wow, 9 lbs is quite a lot, especially given that you start out at 152. Maybe not a big deal for someone averaging 225 or more.
I started with the creatine/glutamine/taurine a while ago, and my average scale number is about 5-6lbs heavier now. don't really know for sure if it's helping too much, but my pumps are much more intense, and I feel that I have a better ability to knock out a few more reps.

Maybe just a placebo effect.

Yea, most people gain 5-6lbs of water weight quickly, and it might be the placebo affect and it might not be. For me, it was the placebo affect because once i got off the creatine my lifts and energy levels were the same.
Yea, lucky you. Creatine did crap for me, but i'm guessing that all that weight is just the water weight creatine is supposed to retain. How are your lifts and energy levels going? Any difference?

I didn't have access to the internet since thursday so that's why I haven't responded.

As far as your question goes...

My lifts seem like they improved a lot! I am not sure how much of it is in my mind or how much is real though.

For example... Just two weeks ago I was doing on bench press: 135 X 10, 140 X 10, 145 X 8.

a week ago on Friday I did 135 X 10, 155 X 8, 165 X 6, 175 X 4, and 185 X 1.

Keep in mind that I was trying to lift heavy on Friday.

Putting up 155 on my second set seemed like cake though... it was so simple. It all felt simple.. it's crazy. Like, no fatigue at all (even though I was lifting heavier than I have lifted in a long time). It felt freaking awesome actually!

I didn't need to rest as much between sets like I use to..

Like I said though, I am not sure how much of this is in my mind (due to being all pumped up and motivated in my new bulking quest) or how much the creatine is actually doing.

What's the placebo affect by the way?
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Placebo effect is your mind thinking that it is getting all this benifit from the supplement drug whatever and causes improvement.
If you do the loading phase, you feel the effects probably in the second week