My BF Info

just got this calculated on the net :

Your sex is: Male
Your Body Fat percentage is: 13
Your Lean Body Mass is: 118 pounds

what would i need to lower my bf% to in order to get more defined abs and pecs?
and how would i go about lowering it without lowing a lot of weight?
a clean diet of appropriate caloric intake.
cardio to burn excess fat
weight training to build up the muscles so they show up better when there's less fat covering them.
i dont wanna loose anymore weight though and a 'clean diet.. calorie watch' and cardio will both make me loose weight..
"Clean diet" does not mean lose weight. It means eat healthy foods that are good for you, and watch how many calories you take in. If you want to bulk up, make sure you take in more calories as opposed to if you wanna slim down. The term diet has been associated with losing weight, and its a common misconception. I would personally get a more reliable bf test, one where you actually determine using your body, not averages and calculations.
I wouldnt take any of those online fat calculators too seriously. You are much better off by having your doctor doing it, or purchasing a cheap little accu-measure caliper and doing it yourself.
If you want your abs to show, you need to shave fat off your stomach.

How are you gonna do that if you don't lose weight/fat?
Personally I just took a picture of Malkore's ab's and pasted it on the front of my t-shirt ...


Perfect abs, oh and I didnt lose any weight.
ok im sure people have probably asked this a million times so dont get mad.. but to get your abs to show more (shaving that layer of fat off the stomach) how many calories should i be taking in a day (looking to get bigger rather then loose weight.. but at the same time not add more fat on stomach to cover abs with layer of fat)
also as for the cardio part would running on a tredmill for 1/2 hr each day do it?
How many do you eat now? There is no "set" amount for every person. Metabolism and individual body composition comes into play here. If you want you're abs to show, try dropping a few pounds, then increase your calories and start bulking. Easiest way.
if i drop a few pounds then increase my calories isnt that like loosing weight then adding it back? i dont weigh like 190 to begin with,..,.
Sure is. But when you cut down, you're trying to shed the fat. Then when you add the calories, you're trying to put on muscle, not put the fat back on. Stop thinking in terms of weight, but in terms of muscle.
Take off a pound of fat and add a pound of muscle, your WEIGHT is the same. Your body COMPOSITION however has changed!

As busyman says, don't think in terms of weight, but in terms of body fat % (muscle). And I agree with niceone: an online bodyfat measurement just can't be accurate. Everyone is different and to get an accurate measurement you need to have emperical data (skin fold measurements w/caliper, circumference measurements, or other direct measurement).

You simply have to pay close attention to what you put into your body if you want to lose that layer of fat covering your abs. All the crunches in the world won't get your six-pack to show like a good diet and exercise (both aerobic and anerobic) will.
ok so in order to shed the fat infront of my abs.. is running on the tredmile the best wat to do so? also would rollerblading work?

and as for eating.. im not sure what food i should be going for..