My anniversary gift!


New member
:beating:Update: I'll take the video down now lol. Thanks for all of the compliments. You guys are sweet.:beating:
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It's an amateur video... and some of the words are cut off LOL
You must be a very valuable girl! ;)
That's a beautiful ring, but, as a warning to potential ring buyers, the "estimated value" on diamond rings are almost always ridiculously inflated. Anyone who's ever shopped for diamond rings knows this. I have an idea of how much the ring cost, and I know it wasn't cheap.
It has a GREAT color, and very nice clarity, I'm sure you'll enjoy it for years to come.
Make sure that it's covered by your homeowner's insurance, or get a rider for it.
(but I'm sure you're worth every penny! ;).. )
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It's beautiful, but I have a question....Does that count as a wedding ring? I mean, over here, that would be more of an engagement ring (actually, mine is similar, with a slightly smaller stone), and the wedding band is usually rather simple without a stone. Is it different where you are, or is it just a matter of personal choice?

Just curious. Still love it - wonder if I should show it to my hubby, it's our 5th anniversary this year....;)
It's beautiful, but I have a question....Does that count as a wedding ring? I mean, over here, that would be more of an engagement ring (actually, mine is similar, with a slightly smaller stone), and the wedding band is usually rather simple without a stone. Is it different where you are, or is it just a matter of personal choice?

Just curious. Still love it - wonder if I should show it to my hubby, it's our 5th anniversary this year....;)

lol It's really an "engagement ring" setting I guess. But since it's replacing the original wedding ring set, I called it that. ^_^ I guess I was just so excited and just typed anything lol:hurray:
I think I'll get either matching bands or a ring jacket later on.

Happy near 5th San!!!
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Ah, ok. I was just being nosy! :)

And thanks, but it's still a while....06.09.2011 to be exact. Plenty of time to drop subtle hints.....;)
It's beautiful! Happy Anniversary!!