My Ankels/Legs are killing me.


New member
I just got back from running, I'm still new to it.. This was my 4th time out, I jog the straights of the track and walk the turns (its your basic 4 times around is a mile type track) ...Anyways, I do that for about 50 minutes?

Well today, I went down there.. usually I have a little pain in my ankles and what not, I figure its because of my weight and i'm new to jogging, But today my ankles and lower leg where killing me while I ran.. It was so bad I had to go home early from running... I'm feeling pretty sore but I do think its because this is my first couple of days, I need to get things worked in.. But the pain was pretty bad so i thought i'd check here..

Could it be bad form or bad shoes? I have a new pair of addidas, and they are the only shoes I have and can afford right now, so i sure hope its not that.

Any remedies for the pain?
I'm not sure why you're having pain, but I'd slow down for a while. "no pain, no gain" isn't neccessarily true. Try walking your next time out. Less jolt on the legs and feet.
I'll second dariqueen. If you are in pain, you are probably doing too much, too soon. Your body needs time to acclimate to your new exercise program and recover from your workouts. Have you exercised 4 days in a row? Take a rest day.
It could be the shoes. If you are serious about running, your best bet is to go to a local store specializing in running and get measured and fitted.

Are you "rolling through" when you run? It's important to focus on your form. Make sure you aren't just plopping your feet down when you're hitting the ground. Try to distribute the weight evenly from your toes, to your feet, to your heels.

Also remember to stretch and warm up before running or any other vigorous activity.

Hope this helps!

50 minutes is a lot for a may want to cut that time in half and SLOWLY work your way up.

I just started running too...

My goal is to run a 10k on May 20th. I got some books from the library and did some reading before I started, because I've basically been a couch potato for awhile and don't want to hurt myself. They all said it's best to run only every other day in the beginning and do something else on the other days, like strength training. I hope this was helpful. Good luck to you on your fitness goals!!
You have to go slow, only do so much, this way you slowly build up you leg strength, teaching your legs to get into a new routine. There nothing worse than causing unneeded shock to your leg muscles. When you do that you effectively make it harder for the muscles to allow a more evenly tear down, which will effect the new building process and cause you unneeded pain.

Running is great, but you should build up to that method of exercise, not just start running, walk first. There is nothing wrong with first walking or only walking for the first few months.

Thanks all..

Alot of what I do is walking, According to my stopwatch I did about 20 minutes of straight jogging yesterday, and about 40 minutes of walking (including walking to the track and back)

' Try to distribute the weight evenly from your toes, to your feet, to your heels. '

I dont know what I have been doing, but thanks, I'll remember that :)
the shoes are totally important, if you get seriously about jogging/running and even walking a great deal I'd suggest investing in some good shoes. I love new balance! You might have wide feet or narrow, also you could be an overpronator, or and underpronator which means your feet turn like inward or outward when you run. Im clearly not an expert on the subject but just check that out next time you go running, it could be the cause of your ankle pains! good luck :)
unlike popular belief jogging isn't the best way to lose weight... especially for someone who is already carrying significant amount of extra body mass...
you burn less calories while walking, but you can walk for an hour and even up to 2 hours at a time, and you'll be in fat burning mode for a longer period of the time than if you were jogging...
I'm telling you this because more pain doesn't mean more gain... sometimes more pain equals more problems... theres good pain and bad pain, and if you have to stop an exercise prematurely because of pain... that would hinder you from optimal weight loss....
maybe you should start with walking, and build your way up to a light jogg, and than even a good run
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Shoes are a huge deal. I have some Asics Gels for running that I couldn't imagine running without. Whatever shoes you have now make sure that they are 'Running Shoes' not just regular shoes.

If this problem persists, you may want to think of other options that have less stress on joints and may not be as hard on you. (i.e. swimming, biking)