Sport my aim

Sport Fitness
Hey all, new here..

For around 3-4 months now I have given myself a goal to loose some weight and improve on my fitness levels.

some stats;
18 years old

My goal would probably be to lose fat and improve on my strength (develop some muscle), so around 30-40pounds for now.

Eating schedule

Meal 1 - 8:30am
fair portion of cereal (mixed cereals, containing fiber, small amount of vitamin a b c d e f)
Green tea

Meal 2 - 11:30am
handful of nuts or an apple

Meal 3 - 12:30pm (depending on the day)
2 slices of brown bread with meat and small portion of salad inside, or real peanut butter.
Cottage cheese

Meal 4 - 4:30pm
Something rich in protein, preferably some egg, tuna or whey shake.

Anywhere from 5:00pm-7:00pm will be full body workout in my gym or a run.

Meal 5 - 7:30/8:00pm
Avoid carbs at all costs, salad with some meat or mince, veggies (cooked or uncooked).

I will be running 1day, next day weight training, next day rest.. rinse and repeat. (I am a student, I have to fit in time for work, so my meals will work around me, not me working around them.)

In addition to this I take multivits with iron, zinc and omega oils in the morning with my breakfast.
You're views or adjustments to this will be appreciated.
I am pherhaps beginner at best at this but the way i understand it,you cannot lose weight and improve your fitness level at the same time if by improving your fitness level you mean growing some muscle.

handful of nuts and real peanut butter,as i understand,would make you go more rounder but are a good energy source,which i would use if i was going to do workout.They also seem to help you feel alot better:D
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You need more protein in your diet (about 1g/lb LBM) and you have to start tracking your calories. Use to do that and go to to figure out how many you need to be taking in. Start with around 500 calorie deficit (you can probably handle more at that weight though) and aim for 1-3lbs of weight loss per week. Any more than that and you can be sure you're losing more muscle than you want. Even 3lbs per week is pushing it for leaner people.

Other than the cereal, the foods you're eating are pretty clean, you just need more fats and more protein. It doesn't seem like you're eating enough either, which is why I will reiterate to track.

Adapt a REAL training program by reading the sticky in the weight training section. Starting Strength, NROL, Strong Lifts 5x5 - all great places to start. Cardio is an added benefit if you're just going for fat loss, but I would recommend always doing it because it's great for your overall health.
Thanks, I will do that asap.

In the meantime, could you suggest any specific foods at certain points of they day which could help with protein and fat intake?

(Cereal contains no sugars, or dodgy ingredients. Nice bit of roughage)
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Oh yeah, I forgot to mention this. I noticed that you said "avoid carbs at all costs" at one point in the day. You really don't need to do that, and especially if it's after a workout. You want to have a meal with a solid protein and carb source either before or after your workout and if it isn't too much trouble, ideally both. Studies have been inconclusive as to which is better though, so either or might be okay. But as a general idea, the total calories consumed during the day is going to have a much greater effect (if not the entire effect) on your body composition rather than the timing of your meals.

Good protein sources:
  • lean meat
  • fish
  • chicken
  • eggs
  • pork
  • canadian bacon

Good fat sources:
  • oils - olive, vegetable, sesame, peanut (anything high in unsaturated fat)
  • avocado
  • eggs
  • nuts - any kind (almonds and walnuts are great)
  • fatty fish - salmon, tuna, mackerel
  • fish oil
  • butter
  • yogurt
  • cheese
  • dark chocolate

Don't be afraid of some of the saturated fat sources. I'm sure you've heard to avoid at all costs, but recent research is showing that's not only unnecessary, but that it can actually be healthier to have some. For instance, eggs and butter have a fat called stearic acid, which is good for you and has shown either have no effect or reduce your cholesterol. What is more important is moderation and controlling your total intake of calories.

Check these out when you get a chance:
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Cheers for your input.

I was considering if it would be easier to just loose weight and maintain muscle, this would simplify my diet and when I feel I am at the right weight I want to be at, then I'll start bulking.

What do you think about this?
Cheers for your input.

I was considering if it would be easier to just loose weight and maintain muscle, this would simplify my diet and when I feel I am at the right weight I want to be at, then I'll start bulking.

What do you think about this?

Concentrate on fat loss but make sure you are still lifting heavy. If you're just starting out, chances are you'll get lucky and make some strength gains in the process. But to answer your question, yes that's a good idea.
I am pherhaps beginner at best at this but the way i understand it,you cannot lose weight and improve your fitness level at the same time if by improving your fitness level you mean growing some muscle.

handful of nuts and real peanut butter,as i understand,would make you go more rounder but are a good energy source,which i would use if i was going to do workout.They also seem to help you feel alot better:D

Puzzles me, how can a specific food change your shape, surely I need to consume fatty, protein foods as part of my diet. Elaborate?
Puzzles me, how can a specific food change your shape, surely I need to consume fatty, protein foods as part of my diet. Elaborate?

Yeah that was a stupid statement. Peanuts and natural PB are not going to make you "rounder". Excess calories do. Both PB and peanuts are great for you.
Thanks for confirming.