My Adverse Health caused by 35 pounds of extra weight


New member
I have a family history of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes, and I get angry at my self for gaining weight, I am 5"3, and I am 35 pounds over weight I am currently being treated for high blood pressure, and high cholesterol, my mother passed away in 2006 at age 63 from complications with diabetes, 3 years prior to her death she had to have her right foot amputated, she never really tried to take care of her self, the weight was never fully addressed. I know that at one time she weighed 230 pounds and she was only 4"11, this is a lot of weight on such a short body.

I realize that the time to do something about this is now, even though I am not as heavy as my mother, I am in danger of developing her health problems.

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I hope this information will help others who want to lose weight.
Hey man, i have the same story. My father and grandmother died in front of me due to heart stroke.
I hear your pain. At least you understand the importance of looking after yourself. Start by nourishing your body with food and love and please don't diet. All the best. I hope it all goes well for you.
Um. There is no way to say diet doesn't work or exercise is no good for anyone. People are different and hence different things work for them.

I think dieting with moderate exercise works for me and for many other people. Slow weight loss lasts longer :)
Amazing how staring death in the face doesn't motivate us to lose weight. My father died from a heart attack, yet I couldn't motivate myself to diet until I went to my 35th college reunion!

Professor tom Laurie
author of The Losing Attitude for Dieters
I am in the same position. 5 stone overweight, bmi over 40, borderline diabetic amd just been told that docs want to monitor my bp as it was high at my last appointment. What kind of help ave you been offered in the past? I just get refered to a dietitician who tells me to excersise and eat high fibre low fat.( as if i didnt know that already, i have the know how its the doing part i get stuck on)