Muscle Recovery

Is it necessary for me to have a resting day for workouts cause when I work my Triceps, Biceps and Abs but the day I'm done working one of the three I work on another one the next day but do I need to rest in between each 1?
e.g Day1 Day2 Day3 Day 4
Tricep Bicep Abdominal Tricep
Tricep Rest Bicep Rest
Is that your whole routine?
im in a similar situation...i work triceps and biceps and shoulders everyday at noon to increase my arm strength for it smart to take breaks every other day???
im in a similar situation...i work triceps and biceps and shoulders everyday at noon to increase my arm strength for it smart to take breaks every other day???

u work those muscles everyday? u should definately not be doing that, your muscles need between 48-96 hours of recovery, the way ur going, ur gonna get urself an injury. if you want to do a split program do something like

day one: back, bis and legs

day two: chest, tris, shoulders

me on the other hand, i prefer to spend a fair bit of time at the gym and just do a full body workout on mondays and fridays. enjoy!