Muscle Milk

I'm 17 5' 9" 140lb. Can Bench 160

Does anyone have any experiences with this stuff? Does it work? Im not interested in losing weight..
I use to drink muscle milk. It didn't seem like it did any thing. You won't lose fat; thats just something they put on the bottle to help market it. Your better off just getting some whey protein for a post-workout shake. I read on a t-nation site that stuff caused nerve damage or something?
I have a bunch of it leftover, and take it with Milk once a day. It does have a lot of extra stuff in it. Overall, I would stick to real whey protein.

But damn, it tastes REALLY good.
tried to once, it was okay, i did notice a little bit more energy when i drank it compared to my usual pb&j for my pre-workout snack. But in my opinion its tooo thick, and not very tasty.
Thinking about Muscle Milk? Take instead.