stroutman81 said:
Listen jackass. I never said fats are bad.
Listen, sweetheart, the world doesn't revolve around you. My initial post was not directed only at you. There were at least two people that said the specific reason that they would not take Muscle Milk is because of the fat content. Pull your head out of your ass and you will see other people around here, not just your own crap.
stroutman81 said:
I have a degree in dietetics and promise you I don't need the education from some low life who gets his rocks off by talking smack on the Internet.
And my foot seems to be on a 40 degree incline up your ass. Thanks for letting me know that though, I'll disregard everything written by people with Ph.D's that contradict what you've been saying. I mean, you have a degree in dietetics after all.
Despite your high and mighty education and my lowly street bum status, at least I can comprehend English. Look at this drivel lil strouty spouts out next:
stroutman81 said:
To accuse people of being ignorant on a subject matter before knowing a thing about them is talking smack in my opinion, which I am sure you have no respect for anyways,
So...I have no respect for talking smack...
stroutman81 said:
which I could care less about.
So, you can care less that I have no respect for talking smack...right.
This is a very friendly and open community, so maybe you ventured into the wrong place. You sound educated yourself, which is commendable. Presenting your advice and "help" in the manner you have here though, is not.
Hey, pal, I simply said that people didn't know what they were talking about saying that they wouldnt take a shake because of its fat content, that's it. You decided to come in here and call me a retard. Don't get your panties in a knot because I called you one back.
The optimal time for protein is every few hours. There is no need for supplementation when this can be derived from whole natural foods. I really don't want to hear the **** about not having enough time to eat properly. I have a schedule that is just as busy as anyones and am able to derive my needed nutrients from whole food. Yes, the most ideal time to use a protein supplement is pre and post workout, and no, I am not the retard, retard. Please clarify for me when you think the optimal time for protein supplementation is? If you honestly assumed that I did not know "protein" has been "around for a while" then you are ridiculously ignorant. I said Muscle Milk is a fad product, not protein supplementation.
Omgz u called me a retard again! Seriously, get some new insults - you're getting boring. Anyway, good for you that you dont need protein supplementation. Unfortunately for your argument, protein supplements are a convenient way for many people to get high quality protein into their bodies. If you're opinion was simply to eat whole foods, then you should have simply said that. However, you continue to argue that post/pre workout is when protein shake should be taken - and since muscle milk has fat, its a bad product to take - because its bad to have fat pre/post workout, i guess - a little hard to filter the point of your posts out of the idiocy that surrounds them. Despite fat content, MM consists of casein protein which is digested slowly over the course of 2-7 hours - the optimal time to take any shake consiting of casein protein is before you go to bed. You're saying that MM is bad because it's not good PWO? Yeah, duh, thanks. That's not when you should be taking anyway.
Don't call me champ, champ.
Oh, snap. I called you champ so you called me champ back..dude, you win.
What false information am I offering?
Well to start, almost your entire first post of this thread. The only time you would recommend a protein shake is pre/post workout? You don't want fat pre workout? That's horse****. MM is a bad protein supplement b/c of its fat content? Horse****.
I stand by my "retard" comment based on this entire reply as well as your inability to talk to the members of this forum with any respect.
That makes sense. You're basing my intelligence on how I react to being insulted, not what I'm actually saying about the topic at hand.
This statement could not be further from the truth. You obviously know nothing about me if you think I would promote fat as being "bad." Again, don't make ludicrous assumptions that are meant to make posters look bad when in reality you are only damaging your own image by being so far off base.
The only thing getting damaged here is your asshole everytime you pull garbage like this out of it. Go read the first page. It's full of people, including you, saying how they dont like MM because of its fat content.
This is again so freaking make the craziest assumptions I have ever heard. You assume I think fat is bad. You assume I am not educated on fats. I have studied Udo Erasmus for many years now as well as obtained a degree on the subject matter. Get real! You assume I look at the nutrient panel of a product and base my recommendations on a broad category of "fat." I can't believe I am even spending my time to reply to you. I will say this one last my opinion, it is best to take protein supplements pre and post workout. During this time, it is best to take a simple carbohydrate and an easily digestible protein such as hydrolyzed whey. Do you know who John Berardi is?????? If not, you should probably connect up with his website and/or published pieces and learn a thing or two about pre and post workout nutrition. I know the benefits of MCTs in the general diet, and again, why in God's green Earth are you trying to educate me about good fats???? YOU OBVIOUSLY ARE BLIND SO I WILL CAPITALIZE MY LETTERS, I NEVER SAID FATS ARE BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Are you done repeating yourself? Because it gets tiresome to read and respond to the same things over and over again.You say how MM is bad because of the fat content, then when I say the fats are good you act like a 2 year old that just **** his diaper. Don't even talk to me about reading Berardi - if you read what he's written on post workout nutrition you would know that he does not agree with you. By the way, I know when people type in all caps it helps you, but Im not the mentally deficient one - normal type is fine for me.
Excepting professional bodybuilders, that really isn't necessary for anybody to do, unless you wan't expensive piss.
I never said it was retard.
You said that MM is bad because if you had servings of it multiple times a day, the fat would add up. Then I said you shouldnt be taking it that much anyway. Then you agreed with me. So what's your point here pal? You're like a demented dog chasing its own tail.
I prefer to show them ways of adapting to whole food diets which are cheaper and more effective opposed to opting for a protein supplement any other time of the day other then pre and post workout. Learn to see both sides of a debate, not just your own.
Great, then dont say MM sucks and offer other protein supplements instead.
You are the reason why the fitness and nutrition industry is so f'ed up. You think it is a competition to see who knows more about what. Don't say you don't either. You just had to spill your lecture about the chemistry and nutritional values of fat, assuming you were "teaching" us something we did not already know. I am sorry to the forum that I have gone this far with this post.
Sorry, bud. You're the one that decided to try and prance around here with your e-dick hanging out. To go on about how the only time you would recommend protein supplementation is pre/post workout just displays your misunderstanding of this topic. Any pre/post workout drink should consist of high carbohydrate content, along with a little protein and if you want added vitamins and minerals, bcaa, MCT's, creatine. Im sorry if I bored everyone by telling them about fats, they just confused me by the reaction of "omg look at all the saturated fat omg so bad 4 u!!".
Ummm, yea, good one. I am done communicating with you, if you want to reply fine, but this is an utter waist of time and I regret replying to you in the first place.
You know all your points are weak and you get shut down at every angle. Bye bye now, don't forget to take your dunce hat with you.