Muscle Milk vs. ON Whey and Casein

So I was talking to one of the employees at the gym tonight and he asked why I was there so much, and I told him. He basically said I was overtraining and not eating enough??? Says they guy who's in there 2 hours and works 2 major muscle groups, whereas I'm in there for 45 minutes and work ONE major muscle group, and then another later that night. (read: rest and replenishment).

In anycase, I as planning on getting some ON 100% Whey for my 2 shake mixes during the day, and the Casein mix for my shake before bed.

He said that muscle milk was MUCH BETTER than the ON stuff because it has better quality proteins? He said the 100% whey stuff is so quickly digested, you don't even really reap the bennies because you poop it out before it's absorbed? He said that the Muscle Milk Collegiate will definitely pack on the mass instead of those two.

The Muscle Milk Collegiate is only 16 servings in a 5lb tube (4 scoops per serving!!!!) whereas the ON is 26 servings in a 5lb tub and only slightly more. That's definitely sucky for the wallet, especially since I can get the Casein to stretch a bit since it's only used for 1 shake per day vs the Muscle Milk being used 3 times daily.

So...I have a feeling that that guy has no idea wtf he's talking about, even though he's built like a rock (trains for football).

I use the whey and casein in this exact same way; whey upon waking and post-workout and then casein before bed. I don't see the reason to use a mix like Muscle Milk (especially their Collegiate line, which is highly overpriced due to it's reason for existence) unless a person isn't sure what else to eat with their proteins and refuses to learn proper nutrition.

It does sound like you are over training if you are spending 45 minutes on one major muscle group at a time, though. I may just not understand what you mean by this, but 45 minutes to an hour every other day should be enough time to spend lifting. If you feel you need more, you may not be pushing hard enough.
muscle milk is not 'all that', but from my studies, a whey + casein blend is always better than 100% whey, even post workout. Nitrean is formulated this way, and ON has one too (it use to be called ON Pro-complex but they changed the name recently).

I don't think 45 mins on one body part is doing you any good. That's fine if you look like a heavyweight probably DO need that much time on one muscle group.

For the rest of us 'normal' looking trainees (i.e. non-Hulks) I think you'd be better suited to more muscle groups worked per training day, in ONE session that's 45-60 mins long, and hitting those muscles twice per week (2-3 days rest between)