Muscle Milk for 15 year old?

I was wondering is 15 year old too young to drink something like muscle milk? i've heard there are going hormones in those protein shakes is that true? thanks.
These 2 guys at my high school are sophmores and drink muscle milk. They are really muscle defined and both are on varsity football.
so could it be bad for you? because i'm still growing, and i dont' want to take the risk of mess up my body with steriods or growing hormones and they might have in there.
so could it be bad for you? because i'm still growing, and i dont' want to take the risk of mess up my body with steriods or growing hormones and they might have in there.

Its not bad for you. The only thing that it can do is help you especially with muscle growth and such.<--(I'm not sure about this exactly I have never taken it) If your still unsure about taking it, then take whey protein, I know that is really safe.
nothing is wrong witht protein shakes. You get protein in things like beef and other meats, and it just helps you feed your body enough of what it can naturally get. Protein is natural and it can't harm your body really.
'muscle milk'/protein shakes have been known to cause fertility problems in high amounts, but it has not been confirmed.
'muscle milk'/protein shakes have been known to cause fertility problems in high amounts, but it has not been confirmed.

This is totally false - how could that happen??? Muscle milk is simply a protein shake with extras - big deal. I have used the stuff for 2 years and am expecting my first child in two weeks. Just to let you know - totally false!!
Muscle Milk

I would have to say that MM is an excelent product. I used it when I cut from 320lb to a 220lb going from strongman to martial arts. I found that I needed a higher fat content in my diet due to the high training load. MM did the trick. I started using it after the first 50lbs and the decrease in bodyfat over the next month or two were amazing.

That being said. MM is a high calorie suppliment. If you drink tons of it you will not stay lean.

muscle milk'/protein shakes have been known to cause fertility problems in high amounts, but it has not been confirmed.

This is a Load of Crap there is nothing in MM that isn't in 1000's of other things that we eat on a regular basis.
Man muscle milk something totaly diffrent then steriods or growing hormones. And there is nothing unhealthy in muslce milk so dont worry about that.