
hey guys,
I have a question and was wandering if someone else have the same feeling. I have noticed that when i take MultiVitamins in the morning i feel like i have so much energy during the course of the day as compared to when i dont take one. Is that common or does that mean i m lacking vitamens in my diet?? Any input will be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys :)
even with a good diet, you could be lacking something. i always recommend a good multi, that's preservative and 'filler' free.
years ago, i stopped taking my multi to save money. after a few weeks i just didnt feel the same so i've just kept right on taking it.

a good multi can help support a solid meal plan ;)
yeah thats true. I have always noticed that i have much more energy throughout the day when i take one, and i concentrate more. Also one thing i have noticed is that this feeling of mine fades out when i take it regularly for like a month or so LOL. so then basically i stop eating them and then after a while start it again LOL. :)
I don't think the feeling fades out, you just don't really notice it anymore because you've become accustomed to it. Then when you stop taking em for a while you notice that you don't have as much energy again. My advice is to always take em.
I just started taking multivitamins two days ago and I can tell a HUGE difference in how I feel... I have so much energy and feel great!!!
Along these lines (sort of)...

I've read other posts indicating that certain multivitamins (i.e. Centrum) have such poor absorption rates that they aren't as useful. I have also heard mention of taking multiple pills to make up for the poor absorption, or perhaps crushing the pills up and mixing with a small amount of water. I have a huge bottle of Centrum at home that I would rather not toss out (since I just bought it recently), so I was hoping I could get some advice on maximizing it's usefulness.

Is there any potential harm in crushing up a Centrum and mixing it with water to take? Does doing so actually provide any benefit? Thanks all!
i've heard of ppl doing something like that. especially those who have difficulty swallowing pills. dont think there would be a negative to it unless someone can prove otherwise
I know one issue with Centrum is the long list of non-nutritional additives they put in, including preservatives...and then that thick outer coating.

I think it doesn't digest thoroughly, which equates to poor absorption (because there's not much to absorb)
I find that taking a multivitamin in the morning helps get my through my long weight training sessions vs not taking any.
Does anyone know of any ill effects of taking additional vitamins etc..?

It may be coincidence, but I started taking a multivitamin each morning about a week ago - low and behold,I'm now coming down with what feels like a cold. I havnt had a cold since before I started working out more seriously in June.

I have had this suspicion before... I started drinking actimel in the mornings, but rather than the advertised effects of the "friendly bacteria", they seemed to have the opposite effect and I end up feeling drained or getting a cold!

I do feel that I'm better off without vitamins and sticking to what i get from my diet alongside my workouts and supplements - but if this is just coincidence then I don't want to dismiss Vitamins.

Is it possible to O/D on vitamins and would they have this effect?

My Diet is average i.e. it isn't immensly over healthy or unhealthy but i do try to stay on the healthy side. So I imagine I am getting plenty vitamins from my diet but can't imagine I'd be getting too much.

I'm going to continue taking them for now to see if I pick up again, but any experience shared would be great!

I think it must just be coincidance. You can overdose on some vitamins and minerals but it takes quite a lot, especially for vitamins. If you post what's in your multivitamin and your average daily diet we could check just to make sure your not taking too much of anything.
My multi vitamin contains:
Vitamin A - 750μg
Vitamin D - 2.5μg
Vitamin E - 2mg
Vitamin C - 50mg
Thiamin - 1.2mg
Riboflavin - 1.6mg
niacin - 18mg
Vitamin B6 - 1.2mg
Folic Acid - 300μg
Vitmain B12 - 2μg
Biotin - 0.1mg
Calcium - 75mg
Magnesium - 30mg
Zinc - 3mg
Iodine - 140μg
Rutin - 20mg
Brewers Yeast 20 mg

Average diet is normally something along the lines of:
Cereal for breakfast (not very good at keeping to this one)
11's I'll have a brunch bar
lunch at around 12pm normally consists of either a prawn salad (light Marie rose) or 2 sandwiches (normal 1 tuna and one cheese)
mid afternoon I'll have another brunch bar
evening meal will be something along the lines of spaghetti bol, chicken curry, cheesy pasta...
I'll probably have a cheese toastie - melted cheese on toast for you Americans ;O) - before hitting the hay.

I actually think I'm managing to fend off this cold before it develops by feeding and drinking gallons of water.
There's no way your overdosing on any vit or mineral with that weak as piss **** :eek:

Get yourself a decent strength multi, ignore the RDAs, no multi is going to have toxic levels of anything. And get some 1 gram Vit C tablets. I take 2 grams a day, 4 when i've feel a cold coming on. 50mg of vit C is less than a decent orange has in it.

Your diet leaves a lot to be desired as well. When you've got a cold coming on avoid dairy produce, it's muscus forming. Try and have as much fresh fruit and veg as possible. You should get eat alot of raw fruit and veg most the time anyway, but especially when you've got a cold.

It is possible that your body is just adjusting to the sudden influx of good stuff, detoxing if you will. It is also possible that you may be allergic to something in the multi. Also yeast "doesn't agree" with some people, have you tried any other multi without yeast? If you still have problems with it after a month or so try a different multi with no yeast.
thanks muchly Bryn ;)

I had a feeling this multi vitamin would be naff - mainly because I bought it ages ago before getting more serious about looking after my body - therefor it was the cheapest i could find! Holland & barrat £2.50 or something like that! I'm now willing to pay a bit to look after my body, so will invest in a decent multi.

I know my diet does leave a lot to be desired, but I'm keeping it an better than average in my opinion, mostly avoiding the junk. What I listed above was pretty much just what Ii'd eaten that day. Although I do need to eat more fresh fruit and veg - agreed.

It's difficult to have the dedicated calorie controlled diet - especially so when you share your meals with your partner.

I said that I thought I was fighting off the code, but maybe I was premature! I went to the gym feeling pretty rough tonight, once I was going I started feeling much better - now I feel great. But I've probably done more damage than good, i'll see how I feel tomorrow.

Thanks again ;)