Multivitamins and ZMA

I've done some research on ZMA, and it appealed to me since it would improve the quality of sleep and speed up muscle recovery.

In the meantime, i'm taking GNC's Mega Multi (multivitamin and mineral formula) that also has zinc and magnesium. On these multivitamins, I'm currently not feeling the increase in quality of sleep.

Should ZMA give really drastic results?
Should I stop taking the multivitamins IF I start taking ZMA?

and maybe a little off topic..
If I'm taking multivitamins/ZMA to speed up muscle recovery,
what is the recommended resting period between working out biceps/triceps? What about larger muscles like abs/back?

Thanks a bunch in advance =)
well, ZMA is not a miracle by any means. at most, you'll get better sleep, and if you're low on zinc, it'll help some with recovery...but that's about it.

take it at bedtime, and with something that does NOT contain calcium. calcium inhibits zinc absorption, so most multi's with calcium and zinc...the zinc is largely going to waste.

as far as your training question you don't list enough variables for anyone to give advice. biceps and triceps are tiny muscles and don't need much direct work until you've been training for years and years. you generally need a full 24-48 hours of recovery before working a muscle again, and the volume during workouts matters.
for example, 3 full body workouts a week is fine if volume is lower...because you've up'd the frequency.
on the other end, working a body part once per week, but with a ton of volume works better for veteran trainees.

remember, you grow bigger outside of the gym. the gym is just the trigger...the incite growth.
rest/recovery, and proper eating are equally important.
Thanks malkore =)
I think i'm getting things on track now.
Last question.

Is there anything wrong with taking both multivitamins and ZMA?
I'd do a little research on zinc toxicity. its not real common, but its wise to know the symptoms.
but I've never read anything about people hitting toxicity off a daily multivitamin plus ZMA at night. most multi's don't even have 100% daily zinc US RDA, and RDA's are the minimum intake to stay healthy anyways, for the average obese, sedentary American.