Sport Multivitamin questions..

Sport Fitness
So I have been taking a multivitamin that contains massive overloads of most nutrients... for example, for lots of the nutrients it has 1667% of the recommended daily value.

I am not sure if this is optimal/safe to have...? They were quite expensive.

Anyway, I use to take centrum which only contains at most 300% of the daily value for most nutrients...

but I read on this forum that it's not a good multivitamin....?? Why would this be????

I am thinking I should maybe change to centrum because I am getting massive overloads of all the vitamins..

Some vitamins you should get more than the RDV.. others, not soo much. It all depends which one.
I take 1600% Vitamin C. They say there's no real evidence that it boosts your immune system, but I'll be damned if I don't dodge every bug that comes around now
Some vitamins you should get more than the RDV.. others, not soo much. It all depends which one.

I want that burger...

Hmm, well I realized that the vitamins that are way over the RDV are water soluble vitamins... so I should be fine then right?

What about taking two multivitamins during the day, once in the morning and once at night?

My multivitamin says it's ok on the bottle... but who knows..?