mulberry leaves

so i read somewhere that mulberry leaf tablets are supposed to curb sugar cravings. i didn't notice diddly.

anyone have other experiences with this stuff?

have not

but theres no supplement as good as old fashioned self control.
Actually, Matt, numerous clinical studies have shown mulberry leaf helps stabilize post-meal blood sugar spikes (through carbohydrate absorption), very important since these fluctuations are often the leading cause of complications from diabetes. Check out articles (do a web search) by Lee Zhong, M.D., Ph.UCLA
I gave them up for Lent :)

Seriously tho... I've never used them. If you can't say "NO" and not pick something up that's loaded with sugar, a little tablet is not going to help.

Kraken said it.. Willpower is what you exercise here... not spending money on a placebo.

However... if you crave something sweet post workout, natural peanut butter, a piece of fruit, or even a spoonful of honey could satisfy your sweet tooth and give you the benefit of being a healthy carb.
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