Weight-Loss MSG and boullion?



New member
Apologies if theres a thread for this and ive missed it, but ive been looking and nothings come up, so whats the deal with MSG? Anyone know anything?:confused:
What is it, whats it in, why is it bad, how to avoid it, how much is okay etc...just any info would be good.
Also this boullion stuff, is that like..stock? Or am i completely off the bar here?
Any help is good help :)
MSG, or monosodium glutamate, is a flavor enhancer that increases appetite & weight gain. It is often fed to livestock to increase the weight and size of the animals to increase profit per animal. This also results in increased fat in the meats we buy. You shouldn't worry about the content of MSG in the meats you buy, as it is only a trace element at this point, but it is best to avoid it whenever possible in the foods you consume directly. Chinese food and ramen noodles would be examples of containing large amounts of msg.

Boullion, is sort of like a condensed stock that is dehydrated into a small cube. It contains mostly salt, msg, and some flavoring. It adds alot of flavor to food, but I would not consider it a good thing to use unless added only to healthy, low cal, low fat foods. Maybe homemade vegetable soup would be a decent example.
Packaging info?

Thats so comforting lol
No need to worry about the meats on my part, since i dont eat it :) thanx for the info, its comforted my wearied brain hehe.
Is MSG content shown on packaging?
I don't know if anyone is still reading this, but MSG poses serious health threats (many of them actually life threatening) and is often hidden in foods under different names. The following link will take you to a very informative article about this dangerous additive AND show you what to look for on food lables to avoid it.
Thanks...thats quite frightening :eek: :(