Msb's diary


New member
1. Answer these questions before starting your diary.

-- How much weight do you want to lose? 4 stone

-- What is the timeframe for reaching your target weight? June 2007

-- How do you want to accomplish your goal (what methods do you want to use)? exercise and healthy eating

-- Who or what can support you in reaching your goal? no one :(

-- How realistic is your goal? do-able if i try hard

-- When will you start? now
-- Who or what can support you in reaching your goal? no one
Correction... WE CAN WE CAN!!! We do great support - like an 18 hour bra and girdle kind of support :)

let's see 4 stone -that's 56 pounds? That's about apound a week... No problemo... :)

What plan were you planning on using?

Welcome to your diary... glad you are here :)
msb said:
-- Who or what can support you in reaching your goal? no one
Umm not quite right... We are behind any healthy way to lose weight and those who choose to use them :D YOU INCLUDED!!!! :D Like Mal said, an 18 hour bra ( You crack me up, Mal!!! LOL).

Don't forget to suck in the water and have a great day! :D
aw thanks guys! feel so welcome and only been on here about an hour now.

i've pinned stuff (well celotaped) to my fridge to remind me. i need to get in the habit of eating lunch. i drink 2 litres of water a day at work already but don't eat lunch. bad i know.

i'm not really following any plan. i did rosemary conley (low fat) for a while and it worked. i just need to eat healthily and do exercise. i do no exercise and sit at a desk for 8 hours a day at the moment.
Yeah, I sit at a desk all day too. :( But since I started my diary I've slowly started incorporating a little bit of exercise at a time every week. I've gotten to the point to where I actually enjoy it now. :D
hello and welcome to your diary!

There are so many supportive people here. You're never alone :) !

I think your goal is reasonable and you can accomplish it! Do you have any plans on how you want to lose the weight???

I hope you're having a great day!
Ok, I'm a little late but I just have to emphasize what's already been said since it is so important. We are here to support you! You aren't alone in this! But, Maleficent, I must say we are even better than an 18 hour bra cause you can get support here 24 hours a day! ROFL! :D
day number 1 officially

so today is day 1.

so far today i have stuck to all of my rules. i managed to get up and take a sandwich to work along with fruit. i've had 2 pieces of fruit already, 1 with dinner and then 1 with the (bad bad) angel delight for pudding - a girl needs something. i dont have enough fruit so i think i'll have to go buy more or stick more veg in with dinner.

but how is it that 15 minutes of exercise is hard? It's 30oc out (about 90F) so i think the only reason i was sweating was that. i did salsa but had forgotten how hard even the "walk through" was. i can do the steps but i'm so unfit i wonder if i'll ever get further.

i was wondering whether i wasn't eating enough what with breakfast, no lunch etc. so i'm writing down food too. ti's hard without scales to work out just how much calories are in things - eg bread. but most of my stuff tells me anyway. now if only i had more varied diet. i only eat chicken so it's chicken with rice/pasta/potatoes every night which gets boring.

i came home starving and did exercise and got less hungry though. i'm starving again now butthere you go. it is 7pm.
I promise the exercise will get easier if you keep at it. My first bike ride about did me in. I had to stop like 10 times on 1 lap and now I could probably do 2 laps without stopping.

Curious? Why only chicken? Is it only beef & fish you avoid? What about turkey?
i dont eat red meat as i dont like the taste and i end up doing same dishes with turkey & chicken but hasvent found turkey in poland
Day 2 - it's been one of those days

So i've eaten healthily for 2 days. had 1700 calories ish yesterday. it seems a lot but with my height (6ft - 6ft 1in) and my weight (260 pounds) the BMR calculator says to aim for about 2000 calories a day. i might try and make up the rest with cereal as i discovered i actually really like the museli you get here cos it's nto what i ever classed as museli.

not yet done exercise and as i've just eaten (it's 6pm) i have to wait at least an hour. but i will try and do some. i had to ring home when i got in (excuses i know) as my hubby crashed my/our car today and i'm kind of worried about it cos i cant afford to pay more on my insurance etc etc. but anyway, i will do exericse even if it's just trying to do some situps before i go to bed.

i wonder how much energy you burn through fidgiting? Cos i do that all throughout the day to avoid sleep mainly.

i dont think the motivation will alst long. i jusst didn't feel like exercise today. but i did wonder how long it would take to walk home from work. it's rather hot but it's only 15 - 20 minutes on the bus and i know the way. i might start with getting off a few stops early rather than walking the entire way cos i guess it's going to take well over an hour.
msbeeverhausen said:
i dont think the motivation will last long. i just didn't feel like exercise today. but i did wonder how long it would take to walk home from work. it's rather hot but it's only 15 - 20 minutes on the bus and i know the way. i might start with getting off a few stops early rather than walking the entire way cos i guess it's going to take well over an hour.

I keep hearing on the forum that it takes something like 21 days to develop a habit. Even if the habit's exercise.

It was really hard when I started to exercise too. I'd do it one day and have an excuse the next not to. Now that I've started doing it every day or every other day, all my daily tiredness has disappeared and I feel way more energetic during the day.
ok so things got a little screwy last week. my husband's grandma died so i ended up back in the uk for the week and everythiing went out of the window. so, back on track from today. i even weighed myself and weight 19 stones with towel and wet hair. so i guess i was right.

first target will be 2 stone by Christmas. Or does that seem too much?