Weight-Loss Movie Theatre Help!



New member
So me and my two best friends have plans to go to the movies tonight and popcorn is my weakness! Help! Any suggestions about what to do or what to substitute?
Last Friday I went to the movies and brought a viplock baggie full of microwave popcorn and sprinked some white balsamic vinegar and salt on it. It was yumm and so much more better for me than the butter filled movie stuff my friend was enjoying beside me. I also brought a water bottle with some lemon it in. I also had a granola bar but didn't need it as the popcorn did the trick.
Ha! I just saw Alice in Wonderland and did the dorkiest thing. I brought in a bag of baby carrots with me.
At first everyone laughed but by the end of the movie we were all eating them.

I don't it matters as much as what you bring (obviously, healthy and Low cal is best) as long as you don't but it from the theater.
How about eating nothing if you don't want to? ;-)

It's not a law that when you watch a movie, you have to eat, right...? Or is it? (in which case I'm in serious violation more often than not :))
How about eating nothing if you don't want to? ;-)

It's not a law that when you watch a movie, you have to eat, right...? Or is it? (in which case I'm in serious violation more often than not :))

As a hard core movie geek, yes, it one hundred percent absoloutley neccesary to munch on something while watching a movie in a theater, which is the best place for watching a movie!

Okay, so maybe not, but it's tradition! Doesn't mean it has to be popcorn and milk duds though. Or the "small jacuzzi size" soda.
As a hard core movie geek, yes, it one hundred percent absoloutley neccesary to munch on something while watching a movie in a theater, which is the best place for watching a movie!


Alright, alright... I'm sorry... ;-)
Sneak in some food..hell sneak in some candy from somewhere else if you want, it'll still be better than the stuff you get at the theater itself..last time I checked a small bag of popcorn was the side of my head (and i got a big noggin)
I usually order a large diet soda and have them fill the cup to rim with ice first. I drink the soda and chew on the ice (quietly). Diet soda is a freaking chemical soup and chewing ice is supposed to be bad for your teeth but there is a day's worth of calories in a large movie popcorn. If you eat the popcorn you can't have breakfast, lunch or dinner. Think about that......
You could eat little size popcorn and take a diet cola , and walk until you reach home on foot , that should do it .

Hope i was a little helpfull

Thanks and enjoy the movie
*don't stone me* but I agree with hank! You don't have to eat anything during the movie, just make sure you eat before so that you're not tempted to buy anything. But if you must then it's definitely better to bring your own snack, the carrots are a great idea!
:: picks up a stone and aims for Sunshyne...::
hehe, jk