movie review: Megamind.


New member
Here's my review... for you guys!
Spoilers..... (but the whole plot was pretty much given away in the trailers anyway)

Okay.. the movie was pretty good........ A for ....... fun movie...
C for predictability and lack of plausible plot (within the suspension of reality)
So.. it gets a B. (Honestly, for my tastes, I'd give it a B- or C+ for my personal tastes, but I try to be fair, since I'm quite particular about my movies)
The bad: Jonah Hill's character... was pretty much sort of crap. He played a sort of psycho version of himself from "superbad". So.... nothing new from him. His character isn't really very smart or witty, but he's not supposed to be..... SO... WHY? WHY? incorporate this into your movie!
Brad Pitt did a pretty good job in his short time onscreen as Metroman. But his decision didn't really make sense... AT ALL.... he decides to retire from being a good guy, which takes... what... 1 hour per week fighting the supervillains?
The Metroman loophole isn't really the only logical loophole though, but it's the biggest one... most of the others can explained away, if you have to think about them, but they are things that a better movie would have covered.
Again... the movie was predictable... even for a kid. You just saw EVERYTHING coming. You just knew what was going to happen.

What makes it GOOD then, you ask:
WELL..... the visuals are nice, and the pace keeps moving. While the story keeps moving along, you get hooked into wanting to see what sort of silly devices or gags Megamind or his fish headed minion, literally named Minion (LOL at this) come up with. You know what's going to happen, but you're not quite sure how.
Also... the dialogue is pretty good. While it's not a comedy, the banter is pretty darn snappy! And the comedic portions are good enough to cause chuckling, and avoid the "corny" label of many animated movies.
In conclusion, the movie ends up being a movie about the enjoyable antics of a supergenius (as both villain and hero), while the entirety of the plot literally gets in the way of the movie being more enjoyable. I found myself as inconvenienced as Megamind at the plot twists.
added: I forgot to mention that there is no happy short film at the beginning. This made me sad.
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