Motor Behaviour exam today! Holy crap

Good Luck my son
Thanks! I just came back. Damn, 3 hours, short exam. I wrote 13 damn pages. Hope they are good for something, lol :p
Damn, I don't miss school. I want to get my Masters right now like I want a second asshole.

Anyways, I'm sure you wrote lots of quality lovliness and the fact that your teacher is madly in love with you will help.
My teacher won't be correcting them, unfortunately :p Besides they don't know who we are. If so, I'd get an A on everything just by being my usual charming self.
Hope you aced it, Fredrik ;)

I'm hoping, but I don't know what to expect. I really think I am one of the best students in this course, because I've read a lot and I know a lot. I also know that I know more than a lot of the other students (I know through talking with them) but it remains to see how much of it I got down on the exam. I can think of a lot more I could have written about, but there was no time, so I hope I prioritized correctly..
3 more. Work physiology, ex phil (philosophy and science history, or something like that) and research methods in movement science. Basically all the courses I'm taking.
Sounds very interesting ;)

How much longer until you get your degree?