Is a PROBLEM----"Really"----A Problem?
"The problem is not that there are problems. The problem is expecting otherwise and thinking that having problems is a problem."
(Theodore Rubin)
"On every thorn delightful wisdom grows; In every rill a sweet instruction flows."
(Dr. Young)
The body is without a doubt, an accumulation of its past history. The body you have at this very moment is part of this accumulative result.
Bodily Responses:
Its my opinion, that ALL bodily feed back IS GOOD, whether its positive feed back or negative feedback.
If its negative, than something is AMUCK, change something or you will more than likely get the same feedback.
If its positive, than you know something is right, but be watchful and careful of the degrees.
Same thing is APPLICABLE to the mind and mental attitude.
If its negative, it can damage your goals, and something needs changing.
If its positive, than you know something is right while being wise to the degree variances.
Being consciously aware of BOTH and having the ability to overcome them in the mind, is an essential successful element!
IF YOU WIN THE HIGHER PERCENTAGES of the battles in the head, you WILL overcome anything humanly possible.
Feel the thunder of using your terrific mind!
John-the-Opinion Bomb:
Joe-blow says this; Jack-Splat says this; John-Knows-Alot did this: One weeds through the quality information, and with trial and error and some informed "personal tweaking" finds something that works. And you know what? Tom-The-Opinion-Bomb, still gives an opinion seemingly oblivious to the bottom-line
Man, I have tried everything! Nothing works!
No, you havent. You haven't found the one that works yet.
If in life a known weakness surfaces itself to you, and your are consciously aware of this at the time, you can cross-over an inner strength to combat this weakness.
This requires a strong internal mind to be able to intercept before an outward action takes place.
If you replace this weakness with a real world situation (say diet), you can clearly see HOW MUCH ITS A MENTAL GAME WITH YOURSELF-----and you have to win this......for yourself!
Nobody does it COMPLETELY alone.
We grow stronger by helping to carry another person’s burden. When we become so stubborn and independent that we can’t share our struggles, we may be preventing someone else from receiving the joy and blessings of helping us. Just as we all need a little help from time to time, we also have a need to help someone else from time to time.
This is how I feel inside.
(Chillen, from the COL)
BLAST your fist knuckles against hardships, Head Butt Stress in the Ass, Elbow depression in the side, Forearm smash lack of motivation, Back kick desires in diet you shouldnt................AND ROCK ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!