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How do you keep yourself motivated?

I can keep myself interested in working out for a couple weeks/months but then I fall off the wagon!!:( It is really frustrating because I want to keep going but get stuck!

I have had the same problem in the past. After my second child, I procrastinated SO long because I knew that I do that and how much work it is and how much harder it will be to do this with kids now! So finally my baby turned 2 and I was like ok, enough is enough. I had to force myself to start and pretend I wanted to. I'm going to fake it until I make it!!!! haha.... so I'm hoping that will help me keep going. As soon as I start getting lazy or negative, I stop those thoughts immediately and just make myself get up and go do my workout. I'm hoping that once the weight starts going down, I get more energy and am more active with the kids, that it'll start to be more of a habit and enjoyable!
I havn't had children yet so I don't have that quite yet! I think I found someone that will hopefully keep me going to the gym/workout classes now for awhile.. I am going to Arizona in 11 days. I need to keep myself going until we leave and then when I get back stick with it!
I had the same motivation problem even before kids, now it's just worse, lol. If my mind keeps trying to talk me out of doing stuff, I just try to stop myself, not think ANYTHING and get up, get changed to workout and once I'm changed I'm like FINE, I'll do it. haha.... Whatever it takes right?
Gigerjv that is very true or it works in the opposite way for me! I look at them and say screw this im going to eat this anyways because i'll never actually lose the weight! It is so hard when there is ALWAYS so much goody yummy garbage at work to eat!
Variety helps keep the stimulation at a high level. Try alternate your workouts from day to day or even better workout in a different location every few days. You can alternate from home, the local park, gym, swimming pool.

A good combination prevents boredom and also challenges your body in new ways daily.

Most important is to hold the goal and purpose in you mind!