

New member
I could really use some more motivation in my diet and exercise. I recently went to see Superman Returns and wow, I would kill to look like Brandon Routh, lol. I think my biggest problem is my bordom. Its summer for me, I do have a class at a local college but its only from 8-9:50 AM, and then I work on and off at a part-time job for my local HEB Grocery store. I still have lots of time left over soemtimes when im not working. Like today for example, I got home at around 10:30 AM and have really been here all day. I am trying out for a play at our local theater this coming monday but I still can't avoid food most of the time. It hasnt been all bad, I just tend to flucuate so much cause ill be on the diet one week and then off the next. I have made some progress though, I was once 236 pounds, and even at 6'1" thats pretty darn fat still, I am currently at 209 but have been as low as 202.8 a week or two ago. I just cant seem to stay motivated to keep up my progress. I want to be a great actor, and im not looking to become emaciated, (but it would be nice to see those abs) I just want to look good. I have come a long way but my goal is 185, which I could probobly lose more than that, but thats been my goal for a long time. I do exercise quite often, hence the almost 30 pound loss, but it doesnt matter how much I exercise if I just come right back inside and eat 5 slices of bread, lol. Well sorry for rambling on so much, but if anyone has some motivation to spare, let me have it. It would be great to have an email buddy or something.
I don't kow what it's like where you live or what opportunities are available, but what about getting involved with a sport? It can take up some of your time (when you would be tempted by food) plus burn calories. Are there trails int he woods you can walk or jog on? How about rollerblading? Tennis, soccar, basketball, swimming, boating, vollyball...I'm sure there must be some sort of opportunity. Hope there's an idea in there that will help you.

Do more of what you like

IF you mind is constantly wandering to food, do more of the stuff you like to do. You say that you and to be a better actor, so try doubling your acting. The more you concentrate on what you like the better. Youll get better at acting and not eat as much out of boerdom
Sounds like a plan to me, lol. Actually I have a part-time job which takes up a lot of my time, and I have school from 8-9:50AM. Although, I am trying to fit some acting in, as a matter of fact I have an audition for a play tomorrow evening, and I havnt done it before so as you can imagine, I have been nervous for about two weeks now because of my complete lack of experience. If all goes well I will then have practices a couple times a week I guess. Only problem will be working out the schedule with my job on such short notice. Ill let you know how it goes since the audition is tomorrow.
I havn't been on in a while, but I have been doing relatively well. I am only 17 after all in case you didn't know. I had gotten as low as 196 which was getting pretty darn close to my 185 goal since I was 236 pounds when I started trying to lose weight over a year ago. Since I have been gone from the forum, I have joined a gym. Its the best investment I have ever made in my entire life. I go every single day even if I don't feel like it, because once I am there with everyone else exercising I feel like I have to also, lol. Well currently I am 204.6 but I have been back to losing weight since my big trip to visit my aunt where we ate out about twice a day, and I gained about 11 pounds. Anyways, if you havnt joined a gym, GO FIND ONE! I joined Metro Gym, and they are open 24 hours a day, so even if I get off work at midnight I can hop right over to the gym, oh and its only about 200 feet away from my work too, lol.
See the ticker in my sig?!? I am doing well! I will be sure to check back in soon to let you know whats happening and update my weight loss.