

New member
Okay... So im sitting here by my computer bored... its sunny outside and im thinking i should be outside... But i just cant be bothered.

How can i get my motivation up? Just to do something other then sit here and revise. :mad: damn exams...

I need to get some exercise in...but dont have the time or money to go to the gym at the moment.
Well...try starting by standing up and having a big stretch. Once you are up, you might feel more ready to go for a quick walk before getting back to your studies. If you feel guilty about leaving your studies, just tell yourself that you will retain more and think more clearly if you boost your blood flow! :)
Just get dressed to go for a walk. Put the walking clothes on, sneakers on, etc...just get out there. the first 10 minutes are the hardest..if it is not working, turn around - that's 20 minutes - better than nothing....and if it is, go how far you want...w/o overextending yourself! you'd be amazed after just a few minutes how it feels GOOD to be walking. the hardest part is getting out of the house!!