Most Outrageous?


New member
What's the most outrageous "weight loss" ad you've seen?

I was just on MySpace and saw one that claimed "I lost 43lbs in two weeks". Yeh....n I'm Jesus. :sifone:
Something called 'Lighter Life'. 'Lost 40 lbs in 2 months, and kept the weight down for 3 years!' On the bottom in the small print it says 'extremely low calorie diet'.

Checked with my GP yesterday because we were talking about weight loss programs and because I couldn't find much on the internet....he gave me some printouts about it. It's a 500 cal (!!!!) diet, and the program exists for about 8 months now. So much for keeping the weight down for 3 years! *grrrrrr*
the Pink patch
FAST — You'll start to burn more fat & instantly! Proven to be the quickest way to get all-natural weight loss ingredients for amazing results!
FRESH — Revitalize your body with the energy of the Pink Patch! With the weight coming off, you'll feel recharged not to mention how amazing you'll look and feel!
FREE-SPIRITED — Don't give up your social life and become a slave to the gym to achieve that perfect body. Simply put on the Pink Patch - it's that easy.

Be young & have fun with the body you always dreamed of
You should NOT spend your girlish days worrying about your weight. But you want to be skinny and wear all those cute little dresses - so we have come up with a simple solution for you

Dammit i should try it -- it will make me young :)
is a really informative and very educational site that spends a lotof time educating people about diet scams... desperate people will try desperate things.. completely avoiding the obvious solutiion.. ya know, consistent behavior over time....
LOL I think I lost about 250 lbs over a weekend before!!

Ive seen that same ad on myspace about the 43 pounds in 2 weeks... I don't even think the pic of the lady they posted had 43 pounds to lose in the first place!!!

I like I how this forum as well as fitday advertise for the different fad diets and scams... such as the pink patch. Kinda ironic.
Only BS most of thoase ads, healthy way is slowly but surely.
