Weight-Loss Most meals contain chicken. Is that ok?

I have been using the Body for Life guidelines on eating and exercising. Most of my protein comes from chicken it seems like. I normally get my morning protein from egg whites, a snack that contains chicken, a protein shake for lunch, a snack that contains chicken, and sometimes my dinner contains chicken and then another protein shake before bed.

I do mix tuna,salmon, and turkey in every now in then, but the staple of my diet is chicken (and a lot of it) is that ok?

I have been doing this since Dec. 1st and have went from 205 to 190, but I still have a ways to go and just wanted to make sure this was ok.
as long as you aren't getting bored with it -i don't see a problem with it...

for a while I was eating so mch chicken i was ready to grow feathers - so I had to stop eating it for a while but it's protein sos enjoy
I have not got bored with it yet. I am pretty easy going and I eat for a purpose and that purpose is fueling my body for daily activities. If that means eating the same thing over and over that is fine with me. My 1 free day a week is when I eat for pleasure.

Monday though Sunday I get 6 meals a day and per fit day they total an average of 1600 calories per day.
Chicken is really good for you - one of the cheapest, easiest-to-prepare lean proteins, and it's really versatile, too.

I eat a lot of chicken, too, just because my mother hates fish and won't prepare it, and I try not to eat too much beef now...

As long as you don't get sick of it, shouldn't hurt ya. :D
i went throught the same situation a couple months back, but like mal i got sick of chicken. Now after not eating it for a good month im craving it!
I have not got bored with it yet. I am pretty easy going and I eat for a purpose and that purpose is fueling my body for daily activities. If that means eating the same thing over and over that is fine with me. My 1 free day a week is when I eat for pleasure.

Monday though Sunday I get 6 meals a day and per fit day they total an average of 1600 calories per day.

That's the mentality I have changed to recently. Eating not for pleasure but for necessity. I find myself avoiding expensive snacks that are high in calories, fat and price. So I pretty much eat Chicken and Tuna and veggies because it's so damn cheap.