Most effecive way of drinking post workout shake?

As with most other health and fitness topics, I have seen many different opinions regarding the most effective way of drinking your post-workout protein shake. I have heard people say its best to drink it during your workout, some say immediately after you put away your last weight, some say within 30 minutes of finishing your workout, and some say its best to sip it slowly following your workout over the period of an hour in order to allow your body to absorb the protein gradually, rather than chugging it all at once.

What is the most effective way to drink your post-workout shake?
Now Im sure ill get many different opinions from you guys but im interested to hear your opinions. Personally ive been drinking my protein as soon as i put down my last weight and i finish it in about 5 minutes, but i have no basis behind that method. Thanks in advance.
I know nothing about this, but me personally when I get an after-workout muscle milk or something I sip it really slowly, only because if I drink something that heavy right after working out it makes my stomach hurt. It usually takes me a good 15 minutes at least to get through half a muscle milk. I can never finish a whole one, they are heavy to me (as a girl not looking to bulk up or anything I also probably don't need the whole thing haha).
What you're doing is more than fine. A proper pre-workout meal negates having to "quickly" get nutrients in after training because we are still absorbing our pre-workout meal at this time. With no pre-workout meal of course would be the opposite. :)
What abear said. Slam it directly after you're done, yeah...but uhhh, here:

Body weight < 200 lbs = 30g protein
Body weight > 200 lbs = 45g protein

Don't forget to add simple carb at a 2:1 glucose/dextrose to protein ratio. So, altogether:

Body weight < 200 lbs = 30g protein, 45-60g sugar
Body weight > 200 lbs = 45g, 68-90g sugar

In 14 oz of cold water is easiest to drink, I find.
I believe in slamming the thing with cold water.... that's how everyone I learned how to lift with did it and I'm a follower in that regard heh.... Course I always work out in the morning first thing, all I have is a banana when I wake up to get some carbs in me, off to the gym... then I drive home (I live up the street) and then down 2 servings (52g) of protein powder.... the way I learned it is that the muscles are damaged, and looking for nutrients (primarily protein) to rebuild, and so you need to give them what they want...
Definitely after your workout, timing isn't too much of an issue if your not doing anything major in the next 24 hours.

Oh, come on, someone had to say it