Sport Morning pre workout meal

Sport Fitness
Here's the deal, I get up and within 1 1/2 hours I'm at the gym. What would be a good breakfast to have pre workout. Keep in mind I have 1 hour to digest before I take my creatine supplement which I take 1/2 hour before workout. I have done my research and have found that everyone has there own idea on what your body needs, some say foods with low GI's(glycemic index ie. rate at which carb is digested) while others say high GI's. Please help as I want to get the most out of my workout. Thanks allot for reading.

I don't know how well they fare in comparison to other foods but I usually have a banana for slow release energy and something sugary for fast release energy as a pre workout meal. (This is as soon as I wake up, since I do my workouts in the morning).
I would knock back a whey or whey/casien shake, and a bowl of old fashioned oatmeal. add a banana if you like. you don't want a ton of simple sugar as this can cause 'crashing' during your workout. A lower GI, complex carb, like oatmeal, is really best. Besides, if the rest of your diet is on-target, you should have enough muscle glycogen stored up from the previous day.

Also, I would take creatine POST workout. Much research exists that shows better absorption post workout, even without the use of creatine.

Remember, Creatine supplementation maintains creatine levels in the body. It's not like taking caffine that kicks in and quickly dissapates. creatine builds up in the muscles...which is why some people think pre-loading for 4 days with 20g a day is good. in actuality, if you take the standard 5g a day for 21days, you'll also saturate the muscles, but use less creatine powder in the process.

If you would like some reading material, let me know and I'll be glad to post a couple links.
Oatmeal is what I am currently having for breakfast so I guess I'm on the right track, as for taking Creatine post workout the brand in which I use is a pre and post workout formula (Dymatize Expand) so I am taking it before and after my workout as per label. As for whey protein the manufacturer recomends taking it post workout, wheather if this is right or wrong I'm leaning towards right as protein is used to repair muscles and it makes sense to take post IMO. Anyhow any links or info would be greatly appreaciated as I'm new to all of this. Thanks.

EVERY meal you eat should contain at least 20g of protein assuming you are male and of average height/build.
Whey is nice first thing in the morning because it digests fast and gets you out of a catabolic state and back into positive nitrogen balance, prior to your workout.
If you lifted later in the day, I would recommend egg whites for breakfast instead.

as for your Dymatize Expand...this is much more than creatine...but not necessarily any good.
Creatine Ester Fusion™: 4g
-Creatine Ethyl Ester MalateZero scientific research exists which proves that either of these creatines are ANY better than creatine monohydrate. However they cost a lot more because people like to believe the hype
-Tricreatine Malate
Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate (A-AKG): 3g so-called 'hemo dilator'. its a fake, cosmetic muscle pump. i leave cosmetics for the ladies
Betaine-Anhydrous: 2g
Taurine (Micronized): 2g just a stimulant
Glutamine Fusion™: 1g much research exists to prove glutamine supplementation is useless for bodybuilding and muscle recovery.
-N-Acetyl-L-GlutamineXpansion Matrix™: 3000mg
mr.death said:
As for whey protein the manufacturer recomends taking it post workout, wheather if this is right or wrong I'm leaning towards right as protein is used to repair muscles and it makes sense to take post IMO.

Protein supplementation is not something just for working out. Anyone can take it to help improve their protein intake for their diet. You can drink as many shakes in a day as you want, its not gonna make you huge (muscle wise). Protein is what feeds the muscles, and is usually associated with weight training. Many people drink multiple shakes during the day.