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First, what programs would you guys recommend for video editing? For instance, editing videos to upload to youtube or something.

Also when trying to upload my files to to publish to my site, I get the parent directory page. Where can I move my blog, and other files to so that this wont happen?

First, what programs would you guys recommend for video editing? For instance, editing videos to upload to youtube or something.

Also when trying to upload my files to to publish to my site, I get the parent directory page. Where can I move my blog, and other files to so that this wont happen?


depends on how nice of a video u want to make.

if ur using windows u start with windows movie maker. which is a ridiculously simple movie editor that really doesn't have all that many features, but u can edit and w/e.

You can't directly upload your videos to your site and have a little box for people to view them like on youtube (at least I tihnk this is what your'e saying) it'll default to a directory where a viewer will ahve to click to download in order to view your video. I'm not totally sure abot this so... i could be totally wrong.

Anyways, u can always upload to a video hosting website and those nearly always provide you with a script that you can just post into your blog and it'll come out with a handy dandy little video player right smack where you posted the script in your page source.
Right I want to edit the video to upload to youtube. Movie maker, ah, thats what it was called. I was looking in Office. I thought it was Microsoft Movie Maker. Thanks

Anybody know where I can move those folders?

Heres a look:
Man i cam in to this thread hoping to talk about AMD vs. Intel and teraflops and hyperthreading....

I use Adobe Premiere and After Effects for video editing...but those run about $1500 so I doubt you want em for youtubez. They're really for true production quality video editing.

Got access to a Mac? Final Cut is the app to use.