morbidely obeise

morbidely obese

New member
I can use some help I am morbidely obese and have started eating healthy and cutting out crap.I know all about the down side and health risks involved with being obese.What I am finding is since I have been eating healthy i never seem to feel full im constantly munching on grapes or other items but never feel satisfied.It is very unmotivating I assumed that if i was to start eating healthy I would just start feeling energetic?

Could use some advise from people who have been through similar situations.

It's a good idea you joined this forum. You can browse around as everyone else shares their own success experiences. ;)
Eating healthy can mean different things to different people.

grapes, while healthy and largely simple carbohydrates (sugar) and water. easy to digest. try something like a wholewheat sandwich with skinless roast chicken, lettuce, tomato and a little sauce of your choice. healthy and satisfying.

Protein helps you feel full, complex carbs digest slowly. get those two together and it really helps control hunger.
You may be reactive (sensitive or allergic) to certain foods that may

affect the release or inhibition of serotonin. This brain chemical

controls appetite and cravings. When serotonin levels drop, you

unconsciously grab something sweet or starchy to eat because carbs

boost serotonin production. You feel good and relaxed for some time

after your meal. Nevertheless the effect lasts only for a short while

before you get the urge to eat more carbs (grapes are carbs) again

even if you don't need more calories. Some researchers have suggested

that this chemical cycle in fact is the main cause of "food addiction

and cravings." You have to learn what are the offenders and eliminate

them from your diet.

Since you're "morbidly obese", it is most likely fluid retention.
Say you take a glass of straight scotch but it is too strong for you

to drink.So you dilute it with water. The body does a similar thing.

It rushes water into the offending substance to reduce the irritation
and retains it there until is is eliminated from the body.

Another possibility is that you're insulin resistant; a very common

condition among overweight people. Your body is unable to convert

carbs and feed them to the cells for energy. Instead it stores them as


Remember: EVERYBODY can lose fat and weight but not everybody knows

how to. But you're searching and you'll get there.
Good luck.