Money Problems~ What do I do?


New member
Me and Nata's last prom comes up in less than a month and I have no dress... well, I do have a dress, but it's 3 dress sizes too big on me~

So I found this PERFECT dress on ebay for $50 that i thought I'd be able to afford.

Except... my daddy hurt his back at work and can't go in for awhile~ and until then we'll be short on money~ and we probibly won't be able to buy the dress and have it shipped here by the time my prom starts...

This is our senior prom~ Our last one~ and I didn't want to miss my chance to finally dance with my love (I've always been too afriad to dance for some reason .. haha)~ But i want to this year and I promised him I would.

Our 2 year dating anniversary is on the same day as our prom also~ So it'd be horrible to miss out on this... ~___~

I could use the money for my puppy that I'm buying~ but I've saved up for over a year to get up the money to even almost afford her~ That means~ a whole school year of lunch money and snack money~ And I didnt' want to loose the chance to buy her either~ I've waited far too long~ ~____~

I put abunch of items on ebay for sale (most of it stuff I've wanted to get rid of anyways)~ Hoping they'd sell or I probibly won't be able to afford my prom dress OR my doggie.... (oh~ and if anybody would be interested to see my items on ebay then I could private message you a link if you'd like?)

I am $80 short on everything~


any advice? help? I only have less than a week! ~______~
what about having the dress you currently have altered to fit - or borrowing a dress from someone.

The prom is a big event in high school and you should go - I had a great time at my prom - but honestly - i couldn't tell you what i wore... what you wear to it doesn't m atter one bit... go - spend time with your friends and your beloved - and have a good time - you don't need a one time only use dress to get in the door.
what about having the dress you currently have altered to fit - or borrowing a dress from someone.

The prom is a big event in high school and you should go - I had a great time at my prom - but honestly - i couldn't tell you what i wore... what you wear to it doesn't m atter one bit... go - spend time with your friends and your beloved - and have a good time - you don't need a one time only use dress to get in the door.

Well.. I dont' know if it could be altered from a size 12-14 to a size 4-6 It'd take out alot of the detail and such on the dress~

And I already put it up for sale in the classified ads in our newspaper~

I don't have any friends and I actually dropped out of high school recently (so actually it'd be my bf's senior prom and I'd be his guest)
Have you checked around town at all? I don't know if your community does it, but a local radio station here collects used gowns and donates them to the salvation army for prom season. I had a few dresses that might have worked, but gave them away a few years ago :( Hit the thrift stores though, never know what you might find for just a few dollars.
You've got money problems and you're about to buy a puppy? That's the first thing I would examine. Puppies are LOTS or work, and they can be expensive too. When we got our puppy 2 years ago, he swallowed a big seed and it lodged in his intestine. The vets bill was $2,000. Even without stuff like that, dogs are an expense, and it's cruel to take on the responsibility of having a pet if you can't give it the time, medical care, and attention it needs.

Sorry to be so blunt about it, but my daughter wanted to do that when she was 18, too. Now she's extremely happy I talked her out of it.
You've got money problems and you're about to buy a puppy? That's the first thing I would examine. Puppies are LOTS or work, and they can be expensive too. When we got our puppy 2 years ago, he swallowed a big seed and it lodged in his intestine. The vets bill was $2,000. Even without stuff like that, dogs are an expense, and it's cruel to take on the responsibility of having a pet if you can't give it the time, medical care, and attention it needs.

Sorry to be so blunt about it, but my daughter wanted to do that when she was 18, too. Now she's extremely happy I talked her out of it.

I totally agree with TomO, if it has taken you a year to save for a dog, how are you going to afford to keep it?....ours has to go to the vet about 3 times a year costs about $1000 then there is all the medication to consider too.:eek:

Forget the dog for now and buy the dress.:D
I wasn't going to say anything about the puppy, but I really do agree with the previous posters... just food for them can be ~$20 month, plus flea preventative and heartworm that comes to about ~$20 per month too, then annual vet trip ~$150, and that's just maintenance, doesn't count emergencies (my pug had eye issues, over the course of a few years we've prolly spent $2000 in meds and surgeries). If you can handle the burden, go for it, pet ownership is so great, but weigh the decision carefully because that little puppy will be not only your companion, but a constant expense for the next 13-14 years.

Good luck!
I'm a fellow pug owner too....She has allergies, so that is monthly $$. She also is a cancer survivor and is on Chemo meds for the rest of her life..that medication is $85.00 per month...

Pets can be expensive. I would wait to get a puppy until after you were living on your own....Take the money and splurge on will be a memory you will have forever!!
Im with the others - drop the dog idea for a couple years till you are more financially secure.
Dogs are a part of the family, not toy because they are cute for a while. You wouldnt get pregnant and have a kid whilst not able to afford to feed it, so why with a dog?
Unfortunately one of these days you're probably going to have REAL money problems and will look back on this and just smile. :cool: Life gets alot more complicated when your money problems consist of financial decisions that could make you lose your house or make you sit in jail for awhile. :D
Somebody bought somehting from me on ebay yesterday~ and I have $100 extra. I can afford my prom dress and my dog now~

I'm aware of what it is like to have a dog since we've had one before and lost him recently.

Our money problems are only temporary. Dad's doing better and should be back to work in a couple days.
This is a new job that pays well for him~ He just started a month or 2 ago~ and it's the most money we've had in years.

I'm possitive I can take care of a dog.. I was just tryign to find a few quick ways to get some money b/c we're low on it at the one time I needed it. But that person buying my dress on ebay has helped me out alot~ And we'll have more money again very soon~
$100 is not enough to have for a dog! You came here asking for advice about money, and I assume you want the straight truth instead of some sugar-coated advice.

Well, here's the truth. If you buy a puppy, and there are any problems, who's going to pay for it when that $100 is gone? Who's going to pay for the vet? Who's going to pay for dog food? Who's going to pay for shots? Who's going to pay for it to get neutered? If you had $3,000 in the bank for your pet, I'd have a different response about this, but you're just scraping by.

You need a reality check here. A dress doesn't care if you throw it in the closet and neglect it. A pet does.

Do you really think you're being fair to the dog? And even more importantly, do you think you're being fair to your dad? You say this is the "most money you've had in years." Why don't you give your family a chance to establish a financial reserver first, and then see if you can afford a pet?

Remember, if you can't afford this pet, you'll probably end up giving him/her to the Humane Society, where the odds are heavily in favor of euthanasia.
$100 is not enough to have for a dog! You came here asking for advice about money, and I assume you want the straight truth instead of some sugar-coated advice.

Well, here's the truth. If you buy a puppy, and there are any problems, who's going to pay for it when that $100 is gone? Who's going to pay for the vet? Who's going to pay for dog food? Who's going to pay for shots? Who's going to pay for it to get neutered? If you had $3,000 in the bank for your pet, I'd have a different response about this, but you're just scraping by.

You need a reality check here. A dress doesn't care if you throw it in the closet and neglect it. A pet does.

Do you really think you're being fair to the dog? And even more importantly, do you think you're being fair to your dad? You say this is the "most money you've had in years." Why don't you give your family a chance to establish a financial reserver first, and then see if you can afford a pet?

Remember, if you can't afford this pet, you'll probably end up giving him/her to the Humane Society, where the odds are heavily in favor of euthanasia.

I've had a dog before, as a matter of fact, I've had animals all my life~ and I've never in life life neglected an animal~ And we've always made sure that we could take care of them.

I can't believe you have the nerve to assume how I treat my animals~
I'm not even bringing the dog home for another 8 weeks and we'll have plenty of money~

It'd be our family dog like our last one~ and my parents are very excited a/b getting her~ We have the money to take care of her~ My dad is in work now~ Everything is fine~ we were TEMPORARILY out of money~

Temporarily meaning For a limited time only; not permanently.

And when i said temporarily~ I also said for ONE WEEK. As to where I'm getting my dog in a few weeks afterwards~ I was just going to pay ahead of time before somebody buys it before me~

If you're going to reply like that~ at least read my posts.

I got my dress and we're all very excited about it~ everything is working out fine and I'm making *extra* money on ebay~

As for my dog whom nobody thinks I can take care of~ I alreayd got everything it might need ahead of time~ except a vet check-up.


As a matter of fact, I'm studying to be a dog groomer.
Well I honestly think if you are posting you need to be aware of and open to what everyoen might say god or bad - wether you were personally attacked or thought you were it is the chance you take when you post abt your personal life and problems..temporarily or not
KasumiNeko: sorry you didn't like what I wrote, but after all, you asked for an opinion on this forum, and the only information we have is what you give us. And when someone tells us they have money problems, but they want to get a pet -- well, how else would you expect us to respond?
Well I honestly think if you are posting you need to be aware of and open to what everyoen might say god or bad - wether you were personally attacked or thought you were it is the chance you take when you post abt your personal life and problems..temporarily or not

I don't mind a person's wisdom~ But my posts were either not fully read or misunderstood~

Sure~ if my money problems were constant or alot of the time I'd agree with you~ but you missed some key words i included and insulted me because of this~

I'm sorry we all had this misunderstanding~
Wait so you're atleast 17 right? Why don't you get a job? I got a job when I was 14, im 20 now. Ive got two part time jobs at the moment, good for about 35 hours a week and im going to school in the fall.

Seriously, you could pull a double shift at McDonalds and pull in $50. Maybe its time to think about growing up?

Just an idea..
KasumiNeko: *squishy hugs* I really don't know why everyone is ganging up on you here.

^ She doesn't need you to tell her to 'grow up', she's got parents for that.

Please, everyone...get off her back and stop treating her like she's an immature, naive teenager. If you had really read her message you would've realized that she didn't really want advice, she just wanted someone to listen and say 'aw that sucks'.
The topic of this thread is Money Problems~ What do I do?

From her first post:


any advice? help? I only have less than a week! ~______~

She literally asked for advice three times in her inital post. Alot of people gave their advice. Maybe its not what she wanted to her but its the truth. If you're saving up your lunch money to buy things thats one thing.

I really want a new car, my mom doesn't have the money so what do I do? I have two jobs.

If shes ebaying items for cash(Ive done it when desperate) then shes obviously low on cash. If she wants a dog and a prom dress but only has the money for one, than she needs to make a sacrifice.

But she got both, so it really doesn't matter. For future reference, if you aren't even attempting to bring in your own cash and you're whining to your parents they probably feel the same way as I do.

Growing up doesn't necessarily mean moving out, getting a full time job and starting a family. It just means start making your own way through life, unless you plan on living at home for the rest of you life. How many kids do you see delivery papers after school that are 10-13 years old.

Maybe im just crazy...:rolleyes:
You're not crazy---you just don't know teenage girls. I know teenagers. They often say one thing but really mean another. She didn't want people to tell her how she shouldn't get a dog or how expensive they are, or that she should 'grow up'...she only wanted some understanding.

I swear people need to have a little compassion for others and not make them out as idiots.