Mole Removal


New member
I'm not affiliated with the maker/seller of this stuff in any way but I just wanted to see if anyone else had tried a product called Dermatend?

It's a mole removal treatment that you can do at home. I was very skeptical but it actually works. I read a bunch of good reviews on the internet and got some on ebay for a good price. It really worked!

This may sound gross but if any of you actually try this stuff out, the directions are not as specific as they need to be. When you scratch the skin of the mole you need to REALLY scratch it good. I actually used some very light sandpaper(I know that sounds gross, but it worked for me) but the directions say to use a sterile needle. I tried that and apparently didn't scratch the skin enought because it was taking FOREVER. But after giving the skin a good scratch it works within a couple of days. Anyway, I think this stuff is great(a lot better than spending hundreds for surgical removal) and thought I'd share. Also, I think pretty much all the sellers offer a money back guarantee if it doesn't work, the best price I found was on ebay.

Thanks for reading.
Wow thank you for the info because I have 3 NASTY looking BIG moles under my armpit they have been there for ages and also very noticable.I always see wart remover but never a mole remover.I know they aren't cancerous because they don't change color,shape,size.I will definatley check it out thanks again,Tammy
Wow thank you for the info because I have 3 NASTY looking BIG moles under my armpit they have been there for ages and also very noticable.I always see wart remover but never a mole remover.I know they aren't cancerous because they don't change color,shape,size.I will definatley check it out thanks again,Tammy

The site says if you think the mole could be cancerous to see a doctor but if not then its fine. I hope it works out for you too.
I get those little skin tag moles all the time. If it is a small one I hit it with the straight razor of have my wife pull it out and snip it off with scissors. The big ones I tie a piece of string around them and in about a week they fall off.
I get those little skin tag moles all the time. If it is a small one I hit it with the straight razor of have my wife pull it out and snip it off with scissors. The big ones I tie a piece of string around them and in about a week they fall off.

I had a skintag on my neck the part where my throat is and it was a big 1 I went and bought a new pair of toenail clippers and used a piece of ice for knumbing and gone no pain.
But the ones under my armpit area aren't skin tags and they aren't cancerous just the big ugly regular moles lol.
I had a skintag on my neck the part where my throat is and it was a big 1 I went and bought a new pair of toenail clippers and used a piece of ice for knumbing and gone no pain.
But the ones under my armpit area aren't skin tags and they aren't cancerous just the big ugly regular moles lol.

You might want to go to a dermatologist for those just because of the area that it is in. I would think it would be easy to get a staph infection in that area.
i personally wouldnt try any diy treatments for things like moles - skin tags can never know 100%(without analysis) whether it is cancer or not, although there are signs and changes to look out for that will give a good indication. also i would be worried i may do some harm etc
i had a big mole on my tummy, had it removed at my doctors (free - dont have to pay on the nhs). didnt look cancerous but they sent it off for testing anyway.
this is just my opinion. slim
I know this is an old thread, but when I looked at mole removals and saw Dermatend, I know someone who tried something similar and it was NOT GOOD!

I used itworkspaste and it works great!
I just had a mole removed at the doctors a few weeks ago. It costed me $35 which I was veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy happy about. Because it was a cosemtic procedure they burned it off, but my mom had one removed off of her leg a few years back and they had to cut it off because they were sending it for inspection.

I am very happy that I decided to get it done at the doctors. I don't think I would ever do it by myself.
Yeah, it's a bummer that some insurance won't cover a doctors visit and people are forced to remove moles on their own, but at least there is something people can use at home.
Personally, I would never attempt to remove a mole at home. I think it's always safest to see a dermatologist. Especially to be sure they're not cancerous.
Mine was burned off too. Has not come back.

My mother also went through mole removal treatment and they were burnt off, one next to the eyebrow, one on her nose and rest were on her cheeks, what pain she went through... I was not able to look at her as she had bandages all over her face, it took around 2 months for the scars to vanish.
To minimise scarring: laser might be the best option but it is usually expensive. Sorry no idea about costs, this would depend on where you live.
I had a skintag on my neck the part where my throat is and it was a big 1 I went and bought a new pair of toenail clippers and used a piece of ice for knumbing and gone no pain.
But the ones under my armpit area aren't skin tags and they aren't cancerous just the big ugly regular moles lol. guys are brave! Self surgery!
I remember the first time I saw a girl naked, my reaction was "HOLY MOLEY!" since then I have undergone sensitivity training and feel like I much like a mole have grown over time!
I remember the first time I saw a girl naked, my reaction was "HOLY MOLEY!" since then I have undergone sensitivity training and feel like I much like a mole have grown over time!

Surferguy, what are you saying?